Hi all,

we have just published the Chapters Dialogue movie. 1 year condensed into
30 minutes.


Upload to Commons and subtitles will follow soon.


On 1 August 2014 21:28, Nicole Ebber <nicole.eb...@wikimedia.de> wrote:

> Dear Wikimedia friends,
> I am happy to announce that we have finally released the documentation
> of the Chapters Dialogue project.
> You might probably remember: The Chapters Dialogue was the project
> that was initiated by Wikimedia Deutschland in spring 2013, my former
> colleague Kira Krämer interviewed representatives from Wikimedia
> Chapters, the Wikimedia Foundation as well as Funds Dissemination and
> Affiliations Committee. Kira and I presented the insights at several
> occasions already, and now the written report is at your disposal.
> Please find all the information on the Meta page:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Chapters_Dialogue
> For those of you who are already on their way into the weekend, to
> London, or reading via mobile, I’m copying the Executive Summary of
> the findings at the end of this email.
> Luckily, Wikimania is coming and I will be available to answer your
> questions and reflect on ideas or concerns with anyone interested.
> I’ll be in London from Tuesday till Monday, and will host a session on
> the Chapters Dialogue insights on Saturday from 12:15 to 13:00 in room
> Auditorium 1[1]. Attendees of this session will witness the premier of
> the Chapters Dialogue movie, which will be released to the public
> shortly after. If you cannot attend the session and don’t find me
> hanging around at the Wikimedia Deutschland booth in the Community
> Village, you can reach me via my user page[2] or via email.
> I would like to take this opportunity to again express my sincere
> gratitude to everyone who participated, be it as one of the 94
> interviewees or one of our mentors, critical friend or supporter in
> any other way. It’s been a blast!
> A very special and very warm thank you goes out to Kira. Together, we
> rocked this last year and went through most exciting times. Kira is no
> longer working for WMDE, but I promised to forward her every comment
> and email that we receive from you.
> Best regards,
> Nicole
> [1]
> https://wikimania2014.wikimedia.org/wiki/Submissions/The_State_of_Wikimedia_-_A_movement_Dialogue
> [2] https://wikimania2014.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Nicole_Ebber_%28WMDE%29
> Wikimedia Deutschland – Chapters Dialogue
> Nicole Ebber (Project Lead), Kira Krämer (Project Manager)
> Executive Summary
> Wikimedia is a global movement: the Wikimedia Foundation, the
> Wikimedia Chapters and the international communities work and fight
> for Free Knowledge. In spring 2013, Wikimedia Deutschland initiated a
> structured assessment of the movement organisations’ needs, goals and
> stories: the Chapters Dialogue. Nicole Ebber led the project and hired
> Kira Krämer, who adapted the Design Thinking methodology to the
> process.
> In the course of the project (August 2013-February 2014), 94 movement
> representatives (volunteers and staff) from Chapters, the Wikimedia
> Foundation as well as the Funds Dissemination Committee and the
> Affiliations Committee were interviewed.
> The interviewees spoke about their understanding of roles and
> relationships within the movement, of responsibilities that come with
> being a Chapter or being the WMF. They described their goals and
> stories, what support they need and who they think is in a position to
> offer this support.
> The synthesis of all the interviews resulted in an overall picture of
> the movement and a distillate of the most pressing issues. The
> findings and insights cover these main areas, which have had a great
> influence on the movement as it is today.
> Lack of empathy and the persistence of old narratives: All the
> conflicts described in this report are based on causes that are deep
> rooted and manifested in people’s perceptions about each other that
> still persist today. Each party in the movement has its own needs and
> tries to solve issues in its own interests, while lacking empathy for
> other views, opinions, contexts and behaviour.
> Measuring success when exploring new territory: The movement lacks a
> definition of what impact actually means to it, as all Wikimedia
> activities can be described as exploring entirely new territory.
> Chapters struggle with proving that they and their activities are
> worth invested in while WMF has difficulty providing a clear movement
> strategy.
> Organisational structures: Organisational structures have grown
> organically without any official recommendation for or analysis of the
> best organisational form to achieve impact. The lack of a shared
> understanding about the Chapters’ role and contribution to the
> movement causes severe insecurities and is fuelling conflicts and
> misperceptions.
> Money-driven decisions: Creating a consensus about money, its
> collection and responsible dissemination (donors’ trust!) is scarcely
> possible. The Haifa trauma persistently blights the relationship
> between WMF and the Chapters, fuelled by additional disagreement about
> the new fundraising and grantmaking processes.
> The gap in leadership: Who should take the leadership role and what
> should leadership in the Wikimedia movement look like? Adopting the
> narrowed focus, the WMF clearly states that it does not see the
> development of movement entities as their duty. Chapters on the other
> hand expect the WMF to take a leading role in Chapters’ development,
> while the WMF expects Chapters to be more proactive.
> None of these conflicts can be viewed in isolation, and no solution
> can be developed without a thorough understanding and frank
> conversations about the causes in the first place. We therefore
> consider that it would be highly irresponsible to suggest solutions to
> any of the described issues. Instead, we have distilled tough
> questions from the insights that need to be addressed urgently and
> answered in an open and comprehensive manner:
> 1. What do we as a movement want to achieve? Do we run a website or
> foster free knowledge? Why are we doing the things we do, and what
> for?
> 2. How do we define impact when exploring new territory? And how do we
> measure success?
> 3. What is the role of the Wikimedia Foundation?
> 4. How do we want to communicate with each other? How can we build the
> necessary empathy and learn from each other? How can we overcome the
> old narrative and perceptions?
> 5. Where does the money come from and where should it go? Should money
> be the limiting factor when striving for Free Knowledge?
> 6. What movement framework is best suited to fulfil the Wikimedia mission?
> The way things are at present inhibits the movement from striving
> effectively for Free Knowledge. Instead of using its full potential to
> further its mission, it revolves around itself. The common mission is
> at serious risk if the movement does not tackle the causes of its
> problems.
> These tough questions can only be approached in a structured and
> professional way, with dedication and commitment. There is no point in
> tinkering with the symptoms and finding single-problem solutions.
> The Chapters Dialogue concludes with the recommendation to build upon
> the insights and to initiate a sequel: the design of a framework for
> the Wikimedia movement in which it can work strongly and effectively
> towards its mission in a professional way, yet stay true to its
> grassroots and maintain its diversity.

Nicole Ebber
Leiterin Internationales
Head of International Affairs

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 219158 26-0


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