Yes. Finally, a voice of reason.

On 8 January 2015 at 08:07, mcc99 <> wrote:

> Dear fellow Wikipedia devotees,
> While I'm new to this list, I've been an avid fan and proponent of
> Wikipedia and all the great service it gives people since it launched.
> People can learn not just all the basics of nearly any topic imaginable,
> but for a large number, readers can with diligence become expert on more
> than a few and save themselves the cost of tuition/training.  All this, in
> addition to satisfying their curiosity about millions of subjects.
> That said, it doesn't matter who writes the content on Wikipedia so long
> as it's relevant and factual.  Unlike the published, single-authority
> edited encyclopediae of the past, Wikipedia allows anyone with relevant
> information to contribute to it.  Their additions or other edits are
> checked by volunteers to make sure the edit isn't a defacement, irrelevant,
> patently unfactual, or unverifiable.  They are typically left as written or
> maybe edited only for grammar/spelling.  Wikipedia is a rare success story
> in democracy of knowledge.  If one feels moved to contribute, they do.  If
> not, they don't.  It's like voting in a sense, though it's true people in
> democracies should perhaps take the opportunity to do so more often.  But
> it's up to them.
> Like voting or anything else, to single out a particular group of people
> based on their indelible characteristics as being desirable as contributors
> to any field implicitly devalues the contributions not just of those
> currently contributing who don't fall into that category, but also says to
> any other group of a particular identity that you care more about the group
> you're trying to get more involvement from than them.  "Identity politics"
> is unfortunately a fact of our current political climate and I hope one day
> we can, as MLK Jr. hoped, judge one another not by skin color (and I'd add
> gender, sexuality, and a few others), but by content of character.  In the
> context of Wikipedia, this would translate to the veracity and
> applicability of contributions made to the vast Wikipedia knowledge-base --
> not who in particular is doing the contributing, nor their indelible
> characteristics of person.
> Because identity politics is today part of general electoral politics
> doesn't mean it need be for anything else, and especially given how such
> things as a person's ethnicity, gender, sexuality, etc., say nothing about
> what they know about or can do, I don't see how it's relevant to the
> veracity and applicability of Wikipedia's knowledge base.  I don't care
> that, for example, a black person (Charles Drew, MD) came up with the
> process of creating blood plasma, an innovation that has saved millions of
> lives.  He was tragically and mortally injured in a car accident, however,
> and so his potential future achievements were lost to humanity.  (He was
> not refused treatment for his injuries at the hospital he was taken to
> because of his ethnicity, as is widely but falsely believed; he was just so
> badly injured that he died.  See
> ).  I also don't care
> that Adm Grace Hopper (USN) wad female, only that she wrote the first
> computer language compiler so programmers of lesser brain power than her
> (such as myself) could go on to program computers without struggling with
> binary switches and punch cards.  Her contributions were what was
> important, not her gender, skin color, or anything else as far as her
> professional achievements go.
> If you ask any RN the names of the greatest contributors to the nursing
> profession, you'll get a stream of women's names.  To suggest that nursing
> "needs" more men or else it won't be able to achieve its greatest potential
> would be a crass and inaccurate insult to the many thousands of women who
> have made modern nursing what it is.  Of course there have been and will be
> male nurses who stand out as contributors, but only a very small
> percentage, probably in keeping with the ratio of men to women in nursing.
> And yet, despite the high salaries RNs command, are there any
> gov't-sponsored initiatives to get men into nursing?  If so, it'd be news
> to me and many others.  But I ask, if men by and large, for whatever
> reasons, aren't interested in becoming nurses, why make a big deal about
> it?  Are there gov't-sponsored campaigns to get more women into the
> relatively lucrative job of refuse collection?  Or, the likewise lucrative
> jobs of plumber, ordnance disposal engineer, nuclear materials technician,
> etc.?  No.  But other fields that are a lot less dirty and/or dangerous,
> yes.  (Think professional STEM fields.)  This isn't by accident, nor is the
> fact that the nursing profession with its high salaries (for RNs, anyway)
> is in no hurry to recruit men simply because they're men.  But why should
> they?  That one receives care from a female vs. male nurse isn't relevant.
> To trumpet a "need" for men in nursing minimizes the huge contributions of
> women nurses and is a patently false proposition.  Nursing needs competent,
> dedicated people in its ranks.  The gender of them is irrelevant.
> This returns me to my primary point, which I hope you can see.  WMF may
> think this idea to single out a particular group based on an innate
> characteristic to encourage them to be Wikipedia contributors is good for
> some reason, but it rests on false assumptions around a connection between
> one's gender and their competence at any given task.  Unless the task is
> inherently tied to a person's sexual biology, it doesn't play a part in
> whether or not they are good or not at something, nor whether or not they
> want to do it. (I am for example a good improv-style comedian; many have
> suggested I go to open-mic nights and share my schtick with the crowd.
> Thing is, I don't want to, so I don't.  It's enough for me to know I can
> keep my friends in stitches when I am so moved.)
> As for devaluing current contributors should they happen *not* to be
> female: WMF, like a political party, needs to be careful, I suggest, not to
> drop a dozen eggs while going to pick up three.  Also, in the process of
> telling other identity groups you're focusing on just one, you marginalize
> them.  "Playing favorites" is a trap the gov't has fallen into and the
> results have been bad for it.
> Like others on this list, I also got an email today from someone who
> subbed me to a supposed Google Group for lesbian Wikipedia contributors.
> While I knew immediately it was a fake [1. I'm not female and thus 2.
> Cannot by definition be a lesbian], its very existence shows the
> disaffection with the decision.  It also underscores the hazards of going
> the identity politics route.  For example, to be extra-inclusive within the
> target audience (women), would this initiative now need to be tweaked to
> include a special sub-effort of outreach to gay women?  And what about
> bisexual women?  They are, arguably, like gay women, a group in need
> perhaps of specific outreach and encouragement.  But maybe the same can be
> said of black people (or African-American, if you prefer), Lationos (or
> Hispanics, again, if you prefer), or maybe people of western Asian descent
> (i.e., people whose ancestors lived in pre-modern era Asia in countries now
> named China, Mongolia, Korea, and Japan).  And then there are people of
> Indo-Asian ethnicity (India, Pakistan, etc.).  Polynesians.  Mexicas.
> Native Americans (or Indians, depending on who you ask).  Gay men.  Bi
> men.  Gay Latinos.  Transsexual Polynesian-Indo-Asian women, men, or both.
> There's no end of it once the precedent is established, and there'll be no
> peace for the WMF.
> The gov't can get away with using identiy politics and pursuing policies
> of favortism based on whatever aspects they choose to use.  Age, sex,
> ethnicity, non-natural personhood (i.e., corporate welfare/punishment),
> etc., are all open to them because they are the gov't.  Unless people are
> ready to rebel against them, they have the say about where the taxpayers'
> bounty goes and who is favored over another.  It may annoy some in the
> pop'n (esp. those not getting the largesse), but too bad.  Unless you're
> ready to go rebel, you have to accept it.
> Non-profit shoestring volunteer-dependent endeavors cannot afford to be
> choosy or worse, be or appear to be high-handed. One key to success in the
> marketplace is recognizing that everyone's money is as green as anyone
> else's.  In the case of WMF, the currency is contributors of knowledge.
> WMF can't afford to alienate them in favor of *maybe* picking up a few more
> volunteers/contributors.  Again, don't drop a dozen eggs trying to pick up
> three more.  The risk isn't worth the reward.  The only thing WMF has going
> for itself is popularity and justifiable faith in what it provides.  Lose
> either of these things and it's done for.  If you start counting such
> irrelevancies as the physical or similar aspects of contributors (like
> their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) as being ipso facto
> relevant to the value of their contributions, you've lost the second thing
> (justifiable faith).  If you openly, in fact or in appearance, start
> playing favorites from among your readers/contributors/volunteers for any
> reason, you are sure to lose the first (popularity).
> WMF would be better-served focusing not on the sex, etc. of its
> contributors, but on its long-term survival strategy.  At the moment, WMF
> is living hand-to-mouth and relying on end-of-year micro-donations to keep
> itself afloat.  This isn't a sustainable model.
> Wikipedia is a free web-based teaching and reference service.  It is only
> a question of when someone with a better mousetrap who has a way to make
> money from their site comes along.  (Remember the #1 search engine in
> 1996?  It was called "Alta Vista".  Then came Google.   The rest is
> history, and the big reason for that is simply Google's AdSense.  If Alta
> Vista had come up with that idea, maybe they'd still be around.)
> I won't suggest Wikipedia stop being Wikipedia.  Did Google stop being a
> free search engine after they learned how to make money from it, allowing
> them to continue being Google (and more)?  No.  Neither should Wikipedia.
> But WMF has to figure out how to become able to sustain itself without the
> kindness of strangers.  Projects like closing the (so-called) gender gap
> will actually work against the aim of making Wikipedia more atteactive than
> it is now as a web site for gaining knowledge but without the heaps of
> embedded editorializing found today in newspapers on- and off-line, in
> textbooks covering almost anything but the hard sciences, etc.  Still, it
> can create for itself opportunities to pay its own way and attract
> donations that people feel good to make.
> About a week and a half ago, I asked for input re a project suggestion.  (
> ) To date, I haven't gotten
> feedback because perhaps the list has been filled with discussion about the
> exclusivity of the 3-month gender gap project funding.  Already, the topic
> has distracted people from possibilities that may otherwise have been
> entertained that could generate income for WMF.  Aside from the idea's
> merits as such, it is also a way to encourage donations/get fees, and in an
> ongoing basis rather than principally at one time of the year (December).
> But even if WMF thinks it isn't worth pursuing, it needs something else --
> something it can charge for that will have broad, on-going appeal to many
> people and/or business entities.  (AdSense, for example, is used by
> ordinary people with blogs and large high-traffic commercial web sites
> alike.)  It has to leave people feeling good about Wikipedia and WMF and be
> popular broadly and "agnostically".  Does your local gas station care if
> you're male or female?  Gay or straight or bi or asexual?   Or does the Red
> Cross decide when there's a blood drive that only certain donors will get
> the cookies and coffee or be encouraged to get them while telling other
> donors to wait until that particular group has gotten some first?  If they
> did, donations'd fall off fast, or blood donors would go directly to
> hospitals to donate -- assuming they still felt like it.
> Maybe my note and/or opinion will be ignored, or denounced, or something
> else.  Perhaps it'll have no effect at all.  But as a devoted Wikipedia
> enthusiast, donor to WMF, and pro-knowledge-democracy advocate, I can tell
> you that raising a fence if even temporarily to full participation in WMF
> activities for Wikipedians interested in seeing it grow is bad on multiple
> levels: politically, philosophically, practically, and financially, and
> most especially, relative to its foundational purpose of allowing others to
> contribute/participate to this great effort of recording the world's
> collective knowledge on an on-going basis and without hindrance, except
> insofar as the contributions are accurate, relevant, and sincere.
> It's a dream worth keeping alive.  I for one would hate one day to look
> back on 1Q 2015 and say to the others with me in the nursing home "Yeah,
> Wikipedia -- it was a sad day back in '15.  The beginning of the end.  I
> was there.  I tried talking them out of it, but... it just didn't work.
> Now we're all stuck with
> and that's
> nothing close to what we used to have in Wikipedia."
> Of course by then, we may all have computers implanted in our brains that
> tell us anything we want to know just by thinking the question.  Doubt it,
> but who knows.
> Thank you for reading.
> Matt
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