On Jun 2, 2015 00:39, "Benjamin Lees" <emufarm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 11:53 AM, Milos Rancic <mill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > * MediaWiki is developing and messages are changing. While it doesn't
> > matter a lot for the main language to have 99% and not 100% of
> > translated most used messages, the new one won't get a project if it's
> > not 100%. (The situation as it is; I don't like it, but I can't change
> > it.)
> "Won't get a project"? Are you saying that new project language
> editions are only approved if the MediaWiki messages for that language
> are all translated already? (Maybe I'm misunderstanding.)

Writing from the phone, so can't give links... Search for Language proposal
policy on Meta. That's theory. I described above how it translates into the

It makes sense up to certain point. MediaWiki interface should be in the
native language. The condition for the first project isn't hard. It's about
500 messages.

In relation to the second and third project I think there are much more
sensible work to be done than translating various obscure places of MW
interface. (Few years ago few of us, after a lot of arguing removed
translation of CheckUser interface as a requirement for the third project,
likely Wikibooks or Wikisource.)

It would be useful for the sake of future arguments to have data how often
people access to particular messages.
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