On Jun 4, 2015 15:20, "Tomasz Ganicz" <polime...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ... and in Ukrainian
> Wikipedia  - if you calculate it in similar way the effective tournover is
> close to 90% !!! (170 100+ editors and 163 votes).

This is very good point! It would be good if we'd have election turnout
numbers split into the next groups:

1) Turnout of very active editors (let's say, 1200+ edits during the year
before elections, as it would be hard to measure based on monthly numbers).

2) Active editors (60+ edits during the previous year).

3) Everybody eligible.

I think we'll be quite good if the second group has more than 50% of
turnout (assuming that the first one would be better, for sure).

In relation to the Polish and Ukrainian numbers, I am sure that it's pretty
close to the point (those who voted are likely very active editors), but
I'd like to see the exact numbers.
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