Yes, I think it's a great idea!
T34695 <> has been assigned to me for a while, but I'd use some help.

Il 19/06/2015 16:17, Eduardo Testart ha scritto:
Hi all,

I know this might be a bit off topic but I'll risk it anyways.

One told me a couple weeks ago that CAPTCHA (at least one CAPTCHA) was
created or used to transcribe documents bit by bit, each word you enter
corresponds to a two word link, that when it reaches so many equal
responses is marked as resolved and moved to the next word on a document.

Wouldn't be wonderful if we could use this idea to transcribe documents in
Wikisource, create our own CAPTCHA for the benefit of our own projects.

Also, filling up a CAPTCHA this way, would make it count as one more edit.

Thus we will be more synergetic towards our own efforts, and have a CAPTCHA
might make sense overall if needed.

Please fill free to separate the thread or correct me, since I only used my
friends story as a source.

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