On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 2:18 PM, Chris Keating <chriskeatingw...@gmail.com>

> I'm really glad that Guy is able to bring this kind of insight to the Board
> HR committee.
> ...
> OK, in possibly good news and trying to be fair to Guy, it looks like the
> @guykawasaki bears very little relationship to what Guy Kawasaki the person
> is actually thinking or doing. His twitter feed is basically a string of
> links to alltop.com, which is a content aggregation site (which I think
> Guy
> owns) that takes "cool content" from around the web and displays it to
> people.
> You might also notice that many of the stills that "Guy's" twitter account
> posts contain images with a canva.com logo and link through to pages on
> alltop.com that contain notices like "Image credit: Canva.com" (This
> doesn't apply to the infographic, but seems to apply to most of Guy's
> Twitter images). Canva is an image editing app that Guy works for. It's a
> bit weird giving an attribution link to an image-editing app.
> In short all of this is a social media marketing campaign which recycles
> second-hand memes and gets people to click on them with the ultimate
> beneficiary being the page-view figures of alltop.com and canva.com.
> What does this tell us about what Guy thinks are signs of employee
> discontent? Nothing.
> What else does it tell us?
> Well, it tells us that he is very very good at the "content game" of
> passing sharebait around the internet and transforming it into maximum
> eyeballs for oneself or one's paying customers, probably lowering the
> average IQ of the internet in the process.
> Chris
Alltop.com explains how several of its threads (e.g. politics.alltop.com)
grab content in its FAQ, but it doesn't address the "Holy Kaw!" thread.
It's at least possible that "Holy Kaw!" is content grabbed by Guy
"Kaw"asaki himself. The FAQ also confirms, fwiw, that Guy and two partners
do indeed own Alltop.com. Either way, if something gets published under
your name and with your permission, you own it.
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