Dear all,

I'm forwarding this email from
Léa Lacroix to the list about the WikidataCon.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Léa Lacroix <>
Date: 20 June 2017 at 14:34
Subject: Join the WikidataCon, 28-29 October in Berlin

Hello everybody,

Here's a general update about the WikidataCon, that will take place in
Berlin on October 28th and 29th :)

General information
The WikidataCon <>
is a conference organized for and by the Wikidata community, and supported
by Wikimedia Deutschland.
If you edit Wikidata, make queries with SPARQL, build scripts, gadgets or
external tools, reuse data from Wikidata with your software or your
service, if you belong to an organization who wants to use or donate data,
if you're working on open data, datajournalism, datavizualisation, open
knowledge, civictech... *you're welcome to the WikidataCon*!

It will take place on October 28th-29th (+ social event on Friday 27th), in
the Tagesspiegel venue, in Berlin. Due to our international community, the
even will take place in English only. However, language/local meetups can
be added to the program.

We are expecting 150 persons from all around the world, to celebrate
Wikidata's 5th birthday and *share knowledge and experience whithin the

With two days of talks, workshops, demos, meetups, and social events, the
diverse and awesome people that belong to the Wikidata community will be
able to share their experiences, their favorite tools, learn from the
others, discover new ways to create, enrich, reuse data from the free
knowledge base.

The program is currently being build via a *call for projects
<>, running
until July 31st.* Feel free to support your favorite topics or propose a
project. A social event on the Friday evening and a birthday celebration
will also take place to bring the community together.

*Registration is now open
until October 1st. *Registration is mandatory for everyone, including
speakers, WMF and WMDE employees, volunteers...

Important thing you need to know: the ticket is free of charge, and
includes the access to the conference, meals, drinks and goodies, but *does
not include travel and accommodation*. The attendees have to book these by
If you plan to come, don't wait... Berlin is a touristic area :)

Some scholarships will be provided to help attendees to fund their travel
and accommodation for the conference. *The application is running until
July 16th
<>. *

Due to the few number of scholarships we can provide, we encourage people
to ask for support from their local chapter or user group.

How can you help?
- share this information with people, mailing-lists, wikis, who could be
- if you are involved in a local chapter: ask your board if they can
provide some support for the volunteers of you country who would like to
- if you want to *volunteer during the event*, you're more than welcome!
You can find more information here
- if you see any missing information or mistake, or you have any question,
feel free to contact me.

You can follow our updates on the wiki page
<>, the facebook
event <> or the Twitter
account <>.
Thanks a lot for your attention, I hope I'll meet some of you during the

Léa Lacroix
Project Manager Community Communication for Wikidata

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24
10963 Berlin

Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.

Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter
der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für
Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/029/42207.
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