Hi Erik,

I get the feeling you would question my identity if I didn't follow up
by asking you whether they asked you to endorse the possibility that
Mandarin could eclipse English?

Best regards,

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 1:47 AM, Erik Moeller <eloque...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 5:56 PM, Andreas Kolbe <jayen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think it would be good to do some legal work to gain that clarity. The
>> Amazon Echo issue, with the Echo potentially using millions of words from
>> Wikipedia without any kind of attribution and indication of provenance at
>> all, was raised on this list in July for example.
> There is some basic attribution in the Alexa app (which keeps a log of
> all transactions). As I said, I don't see a reason not to include
> basic attribution in the voice response as well, but it still seems
> worth pointing out. Here's what it looks like in the app (yup, it
> really does say "Image: Wikipedia", which is all too typical):
> https://imgur.com/a/vchAl
> I'm all in favor of a legal opinion on bulk use of introductory
> snippets from Wikimedia articles without attribution/license
> statement. While I'm obviously not a lawyer, I do, however, sincerely
> doubt that it would give you the clarity you seek, given the extremely
> unusual nature of authorship of Wikipedia, and the unusual nature of
> the re-use. I suspect that such clarity would result only from legal
> action, which I would consider to be extremely ill-advised, and which
> WMF almost certainly lacks standing to pursue on its own.
>> If CC-BY-SA is not enforced, Wikipedia will stealthily
>> shift to CC-0 in practice. I don't think that's desirable.
> Regardless of the legal issue, I agree that nudging re-users to
> attribute content is useful to reinforce the concept that such
> attribution goes with re-use. Even with CC-0, showing
> providence/citations is a good idea.
>> An interesting question to me is whether, with the explosion of information
>> available, people will spend so much time with transactional queries across
>> a large number of diverse topics that there is little time left for
>> immersive, in-depth learning of any one of them, and how that might
>> gradually change the type of knowledge people possess (information
>> overload).
> It's a fair question; the Internet has certainly pushed our ability to
> externalize knowledge into overdrive. Perhaps we've already passed the
> point where this is a difference in kind, rather than a difference in
> degree, compared with how we've shared knowledge in the past; if
> [[Neuralink]] doesn't turn out to be vaporware, it may push us over
> that edge. :P
> That said, people have to acquire specialized domain knowledge to make
> a living, and the explosive growth of many immersive learning
> platforms (course platforms like edX, Coursera, Udacity; language
> learning tools like Duolingo; the vast educational YouTube community,
> etc.) suggests that there is a very large demand. While I share some
> of your concerns about the role of for-profit gatekeepers to
> knowledge, I am not genuinely worried that the availability of
> transactional "instant answers" will quench our innate thirst for
> knowledge or our need to develop new skills.
> I'm most concerned about information systems that deliver highly
> effective emotional "hits" and are therefore more habit-forming and
> appealing than Wikipedia, Google, or a good book. The negative effect
> of high early childhood TV use on attention is well-documented, and
> excessive use of social media (which are continuously optimized to be
> habit-forming) may have similar effects. Alarmist "Facebook is more
> addictive than crack" headlines aside, the reality is that social
> media are great delivery vehicles for the kinds of little rewards that
> keep you coming back.
> In this competition for attention, Wikipedia articles, especially in
> STEM topics, have a well-deserved reputation of often being nearly
> impenetrable for people not already familiar with a given domain.
> While we will never be able to reach everyone, we should be able to
> reach people who _want_ to learn but have a hard time staying focused
> enough to do so, due to a very low frustration tolerance.
> I think one way to bottom line any Wikimedia strategy is to ask
> whether it results in people getting better learning experiences,
> through WMF's sites or through affiliates and partners. Personally, I
> think the long term focus on "knowledge as a service" and "knowledge
> equity" is right on target, but it's also useful to explicitly think
> about good old Wikipedia and how it might benefit directly. Here are
> some things that I think might help develop better learning
> experiences on Wikipedia:
> - a next generation templating system optimized for data exploration,
> timelines, etc., with greater separation of design, code, data and
> text
> - better support for writing/finding articles that target different
> audiences (beginners/experts)
> - tech standards and requirements for embedding rich, interactive
> "explorable explanations" beyond what any template system can do
> - commissioned illustrations or animations for highly complex topics
> (possibly organized through another nonprofit)
> - assessment partnerships with external groups to verify that learners
> get what they need from a given resource
> In practice, this could translate to:
> - beautiful animations illustrating concepts like the immune system,
> the Big Bang, or the inner workings of different engine types
> - custom interactive explanations for concepts in statistics or
> mathematics, such as the ones in
> http://students.brown.edu/seeing-theory/
> - code that you can interact with in articles _about_ code like
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicksort
> - highly visual explorables for topics that benefit from it -- Thedore
> Grey's award-winning "Elements" app is a nice example:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FesjAdIWBk
> - better ways to go from one article to the next: data visualizations,
> topic maps, dynamic lists, etc.
> The reason I think this matches well with what's stated in the
> strategy is that it's clear that Wikimedia cannot do it alone. Many
> interactive applications will require the kind of open data platform
> that Wikidata will hopefully become. Revision metadata APIs (with some
> form of write access) may make it easier for folks to help with the
> assessment of content quality.
> The international education space (schools, colleges, unis) may often
> seem intractable and difficult to navigate. But from what I can tell,
> there's been a slow and steady shift away from crappy Flash/Java
> applets to more reusable HTML5 components and open repositories. The
> value of open licensing has become increasingly apparent to countless
> public institutions.
> By sharpening their own role in these networks, WMF and other movement
> organizations may be able to positively influence decisions on
> questions like licensing, internationalization, and technology choice.
>> Since we last discussed this, I've come across a great research paper on
>> Meta, "Considering 2030: Future technology trends that will impact the
>> Wikimedia movement", prepared for WMF by independent consultants Dot
>> Connector Studio (Philadelphia) and Lutman & Associates (St Paul):
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2017/Sources/Considering_2030:_Future_technology_trends_that_will_impact_the_Wikimedia_movement
>> The sections "Things to keep in mind" and "Questions for the Wikimedia
>> movement to consider" most closely reflect my own concerns.
> I agree with the authors of this paper that WMF should carefully
> position itself between early adopter and "laggard" when it comes to
> new tech. Finding ways how tech can aid learning/collaboration, and
> become part of the commons, turns WMF into a leader from the
> perspective of many other organizations that are concerned with
> delivering knowledge and learning, and a follower from the perspective
> of tech companies. It's a special place to be. :)
> Erik
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