Fantastic news, Doc.

On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 9:09 AM, James Heilman <> wrote:

> A study, published on Oct 31st, 2017 in the Journal of Medical
> Internet Research Medical Education, has found that Wikipedia helps
> Canadian medical students improve their knowledge of medical content.
> Wikipedia was compared to UpToDate, a subscription based online
> medical resource, and a standard medical textbook.
> The authors conducted a randomized controlled trial of 116 medical
> students from four Canadian medical schools. Students initially wrote
> a multiple choice exam similar to that used for licensing Canadian
> physicians. They were then randomized to one of three electronic
> resources, Wikipedia, UpToDate, or Harrison’s textbook of Internal
> Medicine and had 30 minutes to use their assigned resource. During
> this time, they were observed for compliance and had the opportunity
> to take notes. The students then rewrote their original exam, armed
> with the notes taken while using their resource.
> The primary outcome was improvement in tests scores before and after
> accessing the assigned resource. The authors found that medical
> students assigned to Wikipedia had a statistically significant greater
> improvement in test scores, compared to the medical textbook and a
> trend towards improved performance as compared to UpToDate.
> Full study available under an open license at
> --
> James Heilman
> MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian
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