Ok, thank you. To my mind the main problem with that kind of practice pertain to the lake of Free-Libre-Archivable-Infrastructure-Rack (FLAIR) alternative along the proprietary platform. One problem with this platform, is that – as far as I know – we don't have comprehensive archives, let alone an archive policy. If tomorrow a proprietary platform decide to erase all data related to a group, as far as I know they can do so¹.

Also, as I usually don't employ this services, so I don't know to which extend this groups can enforce a free license policy for everything published there. This plus terms of service, I have no idea how legal a problem it would be to dump this group discussions into a public archive.

Anyway, would a FLAIR alternative be proposed, I would see no point in promoting the closed garden within Wikimedia projects, although bridges which automatically synchronize data flow on popular closed platforms would be still obviously important to maintain.

Actually, even here I think that we should make a policy that submitting to our mailling list is conditioned by agreement that the posted material will be published under a free license.


¹ Let alone duty to keep a record of everything enforced by this or that law, the thing is that it can become offline instantly.

Le 28/02/2018 à 21:32, Yaroslav Blanter a écrit :
At your service



On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 9:26 PM, mathieu stumpf guntz <
psychosl...@culture-libre.org> wrote:


Can we actually have a link to a page with a concrete example so we can
judge this factually?


Le 28/02/2018 à 20:43, Asaf Bartov a écrit :

Facebook is a de-facto major venue of communication for a great majority
Internet users.  Many communities, user groups, and chapters have some
of formal presence on Facebook -- "groups" or "pages".  Directing visitors
to your wiki to *your own wiki's* presence on this other major platform,
i.e. a direct link to your group/page on Facebook, is absolutely fine.  It
is *quite* different from, say, just linking to www.facebook.com or
explicitly endorsing it as a platform ("Join Facebook! It's great!") in

As you note, a number of communities have done or are doing this.
Especially for smaller communities, the impact of such link placement can
be a significant driver of traffic (i.e. readers!) to your community
group/page on Facebook, which itself is important for outreach, awareness,
and volunteer recruitment, and therefore is mission-aligned.



On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 11:06 AM Jimmy Wales <jimmywa...@wikia-inc.com>

Speaking only for myself, not as a member of the board, I don't know of
any legal or other reason why this should not be done.  I think we
should be very careful about links or appearance of endorsement
especially on article pages, but outreach to people in the world should
take place wherever we find a willing and useful audience.

On 2/28/18 6:29 AM, Minata Hatsune wrote:

I know it based on local consensus, but what I mean here is: those
consensus valid for WMF Term of Use and others policies or not? Because


same with Wikipedia have linked with 3rd party, which is a commerical

Trần Nguyễn Minh Huy
Vietnamese Wikimedian

2018-02-28 18:52 GMT+09:00 James Heilman <jmh...@gmail.com>:

IMO this is based on local community consensus. It is not a global
On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 9:14 AM, Minata Hatsune <

Hello, I have a question: is it legal and valid for Wikipedia
put promotion links to their Facebook pages on public space as Main

I see many of Wikimedia projects doing this, as Indonesia Wikipedia,


Wikipedia, etc... Their Facebooks page also have blue checkmark of


as verified.

All what I concern is: Facebook is a commerical website, we put a link

"official" to them, will it same with Wikipedia biased for Facebook and
violated the NPOV policy? And in finally: is it OK if other projects

that? Vietnamese Wikipedia also have a discussion about sitenotice
promotion to Facebook at <

. If this is OK, I think we have no reason to reject it.

Thank you!

Trần Nguyễn Minh Huy
Vietnamese Wikimedian
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