Hello Ananth,

I'm sorry I missed this meeting. Is there a log of this conversation or some minutes somewhere? I found nothing related in https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/CIS-A2K/IRC


Le 15/02/2018 à 16:49, Ananth Subray a écrit :
Dear All,

Firstly I would like to thank you for the continuous support and
contribution to the Wikimedia movement.

Wikisource is originally called Project Sourceberg as a play on words
for Project Gutenberg <https://www.gutenberg.org/>. Wikisource began in
November 2003, as a collection of supporting texts for articles in
Wikipedia. Grew rapidly, reaching a total of 20,000 text units in various
languages by May 18, 2005. For updated page/ digitised content you go here

In August and September of 2005, Wikisource moved to separate subdomains
for different languages. From that time Indic community members are
actively taking part to increase the content in your language Wikisource.

But Indic community members have not got any chance to meet each other and
share best practices of their community. Keeping this in mind we are
planning to have an IRC[1] on 25th February 2018 (@8:00 PM) for the Indic
community. Please suggest Agenda for the IRC in Google Doc

[1]. https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#cis-a2k
[2]. https://tools.wmflabs.org/phetools/statistics.php?diff=0
[3]. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11T9qUpNfx6wY06mVQ8X

Thanks and Regards,


Programme Associate

Access to Knowledge program

The Centre for Internet & Society

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