On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 12:46 PM James Heilman <jmh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The Wikimedia Conference is "closed" in that only those who are invited are
> allowed to attend. Wikimania is an open conference meaning basically anyone
> can attend, including those currently outside the movement.

This is a great point – in fact, not only has the mission of the Wikimedia
Summit narrowed, the number of invite-only participants has shrunk as well
to a basic allocation of one individual per affiliate, with the aim of
having a maximum of 200 participants.

While I can understand the rationale of Cornelius Kibelka and the
WMCON/WMSUMMIT team for this decision, and can endorse its direction, the
fact remains that Wikimania being open to all and uncapped is a unique
cornerstone for sustaining the community.

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