Hey folks,

Trey authored a Wikimedia blog post on this as well:


On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 11:34 AM Dan Garry (Deskana) <djgw...@gmail.com>

> The topic of zero-result search queries comes up from time to time. The
> logic is generally this: if we can see the top queries that got no results,
> then we can figure out what users are looking for but not finding, and add
> it to the encyclopedia. Wonderful user-centred thinking, and it sounds
> great! The problem is, sadly, the data doesn't help us achieve this at all.
> The sheer volume of requests means that a lot of the top zero-results
> queries are junk. Trey Jones, an engineer on the Search Platform Team,
> wrote a comprehensive analysis
> <
> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:TJones_(WMF)/Notes/Survey_of_Zero-Results_Queries
> >
> a
> few years ago of the top zero-result queries based on an analysis of a
> 500,000 multi-lingual sample. It was quite enlightening in some senses—we
> found out a lot about the things that people are doing with the search
> system, found some bugs in other products, and so on—but it didn't actually
> help us understand what people were looking for and not finding.
> Dan
> On Tue, 12 Mar 2019 at 23:12, Leila Zia <le...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> > Hi Gerard,
> >
> > On Sun, Mar 10, 2019 at 2:26 PM Gerard Meijssen
> > <gerard.meijs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > but really
> > > why can we not have the data that allows us to seek out what people are
> > > actually looking for and do not find..
> >
> > Please open a Phabricator task for this request at
> > https://phabricator.wikimedia.org . Please add Research as a tag and
> > add me as one of the subscribers. I'd like to work with you on a
> > concrete proposal. A few items to consider as you're expanding the
> > description of the task:
> >
> > * We won't be able to release raw search queries as they come to
> > Wikimedia servers. That is for privacy reasons.
> >
> > * You also likely don't need raw search queries. If you can be
> > specific about what you want to have access to, as much as possible,
> > that can help us get started with scoping the problem. I'm looking for
> > something along these lines: "I want to be able to see a monthly list
> > of top n search terms in language x that result in 0 search results or
> > results where the user does not click on any of the search results
> > offered." The more specific, the better. If you are in doubt, put some
> > description and we can iterate on it.
> >
> > Best,
> > Leila
> > p.s. The goal of this exercise is to have an open question ready (with
> > all the details one needs to know) for the next time we will have a
> > volunteer researcher to work with us.
> >
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[image: Wikimedia-logo black.svg] *Ed Erhart* (he/him)

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