Hi everyone,

I wanted to share some updates about movement strategy with you all.
The core team has spent the last few weeks developing and finalizing a
plan to take forward the work that the nine working groups have done
and, from this, create one set of recommendations.

To ensure enough time to do this effectively and to facilitate
community input on the synthesized recommendations as well as
endorsement, we have adapted the movement strategy timeline.[1]

== What’s next for working groups ==
The nine working groups are currently putting any remaining finishing
touches on the current, second iteration of their recommendations[2].
This version reflects inputs and perspectives that were shared by the
movement online and in person prior to, during, and after Wikimania,
including at many strategy salons and the two regional summits.

Any final bits of relevant research will be integrated, and some
groups may make small refinements to their work. They are also in the
process of ranking their recommendations to indicate which ones, in
their perspective, are the most foundational for driving change in our

Following this, working group members will conclude the duty that they
signed up for by 1 November. We are incredibly grateful to each
working group member for their tireless efforts and engagement.

In the meantime, the core team and contracted strategy liaisons will
also be working to share back information with online and offline
communities about how their feedback has been reviewed and
incorporated into the existing drafts of recommendations.

== Synthesizing recommendations ==
The focus over the next few months will be on synthesizing the 89
recommendations to develop one set. To help create a product that is
concise and clear, overlaps in the content will be identified to see
where certain recommendations could be merged. Others may be forwarded
for consideration to the implementation process. Others might conflict
and need to be reconciled.

To do this work, a new working group will be formed, comprised of
existing working group members who are interested in continuing to
contribute. This new group will consist of:
* Writers who will synthesize the recommendations and develop one coherent set.
* Connectors who will help writers make sense and further integrate
existing material, research, and input from community conversations,
both past and upcoming.
* Reviewers who will bring in specific additional perspectives,
expertise, contexts, advise at different times of the process.

The sign up process for this new group is currently underway, and best
ways to support the content creation are being assessed. We will
provide updates here soon.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

Best wishes,


Nicole Ebber
Adviser International Relations
Program Manager Wikimedia 2030 Movement Strategy
Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. (030) 219 158 26-0

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