There's a tendency of people with an association with the Wikimedia
movement to see it as a hammer that can be swung at every nail. This is
embodied most perfectly in the e-mail by Rebecca O'Neil, who claims that if
WMF doesn't take a position on any issue (or every issue?), it is taking a
position in support of the status quo.

That is absurd. The movement and the WMF have a purpose. That purpose is
not koala habitats, nor Superfund sites, nor opioid addiction nor LGTB
rights in Uganda. All those issues are valuable purposes for an
organization to have, but the WMF has a different purpose. Its activities
should be in pursuit of its mission. Not any and every mission that at
least some Wikimedians think is valuable.

All that said, how many views did the site get
during the time the banner was up? A few hundred? A few thousand? Varnum
apologized, the banner was a bit of a rush job. Rather than arguing why WMF
should support all your pet causes or, alternatively, hand over the keys to
"the community" - maybe just move on.
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