Thanks for the detailed update. This email definitely explains a lot of
things. Thanks for working on this.
One question, how is this new design aligned/(syncing) with Strategy2030
recommendations? (if that is applicable)
Thanks again for the update.

On Tue, 28 Apr 2020 at 15:39, Nataliia Tymkiv <ntym...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I would like to share with you some updates on Wikimedia Foundation Board
> governance, concerning board composition, annual planning, and more.
> The past few weeks and months have been difficult for many of us as
> COVID-19 changes our schedules and lives, but we are being really true to
> the vision of “the world in which every single human being can freely share
> in the sum of all knowledge”—on the whole the visits to Wikimedia projects
> have increased by more than 30% over the past month. It is impressive that
> the volunteer communities continue to produce the information that informs
> everyone through  graphs and data seen by millions and careful synthesis of
> the medical and administrative facts. Wikimedia volunteers’ work is present
> in top stories on the novel coronavirus. We volunteers do this despite the
> need to tend to home chores, take care of kids and the elderly, probably
> feeling depressed or fearing for our jobs, economy, health and the lives of
> relatives and friends all over the world.
> In these circumstances, it may seem odd to be hearing about board
> governance updates, but those are still important, for the long-term
> thriving of our movement. I joined the Board because I wanted to explore
> ways of improving understanding between the Foundation and the communities,
> and to help the trustees provide what was needed to our communities. No
> Board will ever do this perfectly, and I know, as do we all, that there
> have been occasions in the long years of the movement on which the Board
> had not supported the Foundation and communities in the ways we all hoped
> and needed. We as Board members want to play our part in building a
> Wikimedia that will sustain our mission far into the future. Please forgive
> the length of this message—it is a lot of things to share in one letter.
> == Designing a better Board for Wikimedia ==
> One of the most significant initiatives the Board worked on collectively
> over the last year was to run an official Board governance review. In large
> part this review was a response to direct requests for clarification from
> the community over several years. I will explain a few of the
> recommendations that came from this review, and the changes we are making
> based on these recommendations.
> In early 2019, the Foundation Board Chair and Executive Director
> commissioned Board Veritas (named Taylor Strategic Partnerships at the
> time) to review how the Board might more effectively support the goals of
> the Wikimedia Foundation and the Wikimedia movement. Board Veritas was
> chosen because of their expertise in the governance of U.S. nonprofits with
> global operations and internationally diverse boards, as well as their
> background in developing strategic comparisons with other not-for-profit
> boards.
> The resulting recommendations [1] centered on increasing the Board’s
> effectiveness in fulfilling its governance responsibilities, including
> improving the process for selecting Board members; developing greater
> clarity around Board roles, responsibilities and accountabilities; better
> leveraging the talents and skills of trustees in service to the
> Foundation’s mission and strategic goals; improving trust and interactions
> between the Board, the ED/CEO, and staff; and strengthening strategy and
> program oversight.
> The Board began taking steps to respond to the recommendations right away,
> at a special meeting in July 2019 [2]. At that meeting, we lengthened the
> terms of Board officer and committee chair positions from one year to three
> years, and we tasked the Board Governance Committee with the preparation of
> proposals for how to implement additional changes.
> We will have more to share in the near future when the Board will be
> engaging broadly on the outcomes, but the first big planned change is
> expanding the number of seats on the Board, from 10 to 16. This includes
> increasing the current number of seats sourced from the wider Wikimedia
> community (including affiliates) by three, for a total of eight
> community-sourced seats. The majority of the Board and I feel that this
> overall growth is necessary for us to increase our capacity to meet the
> governance needs of the Foundation—and better reflect the growing and
> diverse communities we serve with the increased number of voices from
> community sources.
> == Community-selected Board seats ==
> The voting process to select nominees for three Community-selected Board
> seats was intended to open candidate submissions soon. In normal
> circumstances this selection process occurs every three years and would run
> this month. However, we feel that the widespread global impact from the
> ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting strain on resources make it
> unwise and unreasonable to continue the voting process on its planned
> timeline:
> The selection process requires extensive effort from community members (to
> read proposals, ask questions, be engaged and informed, and of course
> vote); candidates (to write statements and engage with community
> questions); the Elections Committee (to run the process, including
> responding to questions and engaging across languages); Foundation staff
> (to support the Elections Committee in running the process and coordinating
> the work across all stakeholders); and the Board (to make high-level
> decisions and follow the process, also across languages). Given the public
> health crisis and the many extraordinary demands on every person’s time and
> attention, we believe we can not expect or require the level of sustained
> effort and engagement needed to hold a successful trustee selection.
> We do not want to delay the trustee selection process any longer than we
> have to, and we will continue to evaluate whether it is appropriate to
> proceed based on the best information available to us. It takes time to
> plan and run the selection, so once the postponed process can resume we
> will still need to work out the best timing for it. It does not currently
> seem likely that the process will resume before August 2020, but we are
> committed to completing it before the end of June 2021.
> In order to ensure sustained community representation on the Board, we are
> extending the terms of the three community-selected trustees currently
> occupying those seats (María, Dariusz, and James) for up to a year until we
> are all ready to run the postponed process. I would like to thank them for
> their service to our communities and dedication to our shared mission.
> Note: The selection process is mandated by the Bylaws to happen every three
> years according to a schedule and process set by the Board of Trustees. The
> process last occurred in 2017, so if we determine that it is best to
> postpone the process past 2020, this will require a modification of the
> Bylaws. The necessary modification of the Bylaws will be part of
> forthcoming recommendations as we learn more about when we can all dedicate
> the necessary time to the selection process.
> == Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan timeline  ==
> The Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan would normally be completed in April
> and posted for your feedback in May. This year, the Board has provisionally
> approved an extended and revised timeline for annual planning in order for
> us to remain sensitive to global economic conditions and revenue
> projections.
> We are also adjusting the timelines and expectations for our affiliates
> during this time. Our affiliates and user groups hold a lot of in-person
> events and are transitioning some of their work online and having to
> postpone or cancel some events entirely. We are all having to rethink the
> next year and recognize that the adjustment is going to take time. This
> pandemic is a changing situation and will affect parts of the globe
> differently over time. We need to remain flexible during this time of
> uncertainty.
> There will be future updates on annual plan progress from the Foundation,
> but we wanted to let you know as soon as we could that the usual timelines
> are postponed.
> == Board meeting minutes & resolutions ==
> Some of you have asked for minutes and resolutions from our recent
> meetings, as we are behind in publishing these notes. I apologize that we
> fell behind in this; once we were behind, it became harder to catch up, and
> we have only now been able to read and approve them all. The minutes were
> posted and you will find them on the Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
> [3]. I shall update on this thread when they are all up.
> Voting online to approve the minutes is not always possible, so we are
> approving them during our meetings. The timeline of the expected publishing
> of the minutes was too ambitious, and this would need to change. Amanda
> Keton, our General Counsel and Secretary of the Board, will see to adopting
> the practices needed and having support in place to help us review more
> quickly.
> == To recap ==
> * In early 2019, the Foundation Board Chair and Executive Director hired
> Board Veritas to conduct a Board Governance Review, and we are sharing the
> resulting recommendations [1].
> * We are planning to expand the number of seats on the Board, from 10 to
> 16. This includes increasing the current number of seats sourced from the
> wider Wikimedia community (including affiliates) by three, for a total of
> eight community-sourced seats. This change will require changing the
> Bylaws, especially regarding the selection pathway for the additional
> seats. We plan to present the Board’s vision and hold a community
> discussion as part of the process for the Bylaws change.
> * We are postponing the trustee selection process by up to a year because
> of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic by up to a year, the resulting strain on
> resources, and the added burden to our communities. And we shall be
> modifying the Bylaws to allow for this revised timeline in the selection
> process, if needed.
> * We are approving an extended timeline for the Wikimedia Foundation Annual
> Plan.
> * And we are posting the remaining backlog of trustee meeting minutes and
> resolutions. After they are all up, I shall update on this thread.
> As these are a lot of topics to talk about, please post your
> thoughts/comments on the talk page of my message on Meta:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikimedia_Foundation_Board_noticeboard/Updates_from_April_28,_2020
> . It would be easier to have a structured discussion there, rather than
> dozens of emails in this thread. Depending on interest and our shared
> situation we might hold a video “town hall” to discuss more details of some
> of these plans with you all.
> Also we are currently working on an update to our 2016 statement on
> community culture in order to reinforce our commitment to safety on our
> projects. We look forward to sharing it with you in May.
> Please take care of yourselves.
> [1]
> https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Board_Veritas_Governance_Recommendations_Final_Public_Copy.pdf
> [2] https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Minutes/2019-7-10
> [3] https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Meetings
> Best regards,
> antanana / Nataliia Tymkiv
> NOTICE: You may have received this message outside of your normal working
> hours/days, as I usually can work more as a volunteer during weekend. You
> should not feel obligated to answer it during your days off. Thank you in
> advance!
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