On Thu, 21 Jan 2021 at 17:15, María Sefidari <ma...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> The Board has discussed and approved some governance improvements in two
> recent meetings, on December 9 and January 8. As the governing body for the
> Wikimedia Foundation, we want to improve our capacity, performance, and
> representation of the movement’s diversity. We have amended the Bylaws in
> support of that goal. Please check the details in the announcement
> published on Meta and on the Diff blog:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Board_noticeboard/January_2021_-_Approval_of_Bylaws_amendments_and_upcoming_call_for_feedback_about_the_selection_of_new_trustees
> https://diff.wikimedia.org/2021/01/21/approval-of-bylaws-amendments-and-upcoming-call-for-feedback-about-the-selection-of-new-trustees/
> Kind regards,
> María

+450 staff organization. Is perhaps this the point where we consider if the
organisation has outgrown its volenteer base to the extent that its a
problem. The english wikipedia only has 497 active admins.

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