Reminder that the September Research Showcase is this Wednesday.

On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 1:15 PM Janna Layton <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> The September Wikimedia Research Showcase will be on September 15 at 16:30
> UTC (9:30am PT/ 12:30pm ET/ 18:30pm CEST). The theme will be
> "socialization on Wikipedia" with speakers Rosta Farzan and J. Nathan
> Matias.
> Livestream:
> Talk 1
> Speaker: Rosta Farzan (School of Computing and Information, University of
> Pittsburgh)
> Title: Unlocking the Wikipedia clubhouse to newcomers: results from two
> studies
> Abstract: It is no news to any of us that success of online production
> communities such as Wikipedia highly relies on a continuous stream of
> newcomers to replace the inevitable high turnover and to bring on board new
> sources of ideas and workforce. However, these communities have been
> struggling with attracting newcomers, especially from a diverse population
> of users, and further retention of newcomers. In this talk, I will present
> about two different approaches in engaging new editors in Wikipedia: (1)
> newcomers joining through the Wiki Ed program, an online program in which
> college students edit Wikipedia articles as class assignments; (2)
> newcomers joining through a Wikipedia Art+Feminism edit-a-thon.  I present
> how each approach incorporated techniques in engaging newcomers and how
> they succeed in attracting and retention of newcomers.
> More information:
>    - Bring on Board New Enthusiasts! A Case Study of Impact of Wikipedia
>    Art + Feminism Edit-A-Thon Events on Newcomers
>    <>,
>    SocInfo 2016 (pdf
>    <>)
>    - Successful Online Socialization: Lessons from the Wikipedia
>    Education Program <>, CSCW
>    2020 (pdf
>    <>)
> Talk 2
> Speaker: J. Nathan Matias <> (Citizens and
> Technology Lab <>, Cornell University
> Departments of Communication and Information Science)
> Title: The Effect of Receiving Appreciation on Wikipedias. A Community
> Co-Designed Field Experiment
> Abstract: Can saying “thank you” make online communities stronger & more
> inclusive? Or does thanking others for their voluntary efforts have little
> effect? To ask this question, the Citizens and Technology Lab (CAT Lab)
> organized 344 volunteers to send thanks to Wikipedia contributors across
> the Arabic, German, Polish, and Persian languages. We then observed the
> behavior of 15,558 newcomers and experienced contributors to Wikipedia. On
> average, we found that organizing volunteers to thank others increases
> two-week retention of newcomers and experienced accounts. It also caused
> people to send more thanks to others. This study was a field experiment, a
> randomized trial that sent thanks to some people and not to others. These
> experiments can help answer questions about the impact of community
> practices and platform design. But they can sometimes face community
> mistrust, especially when researchers conduct them without community
> consent. In this talk, learn more about CAT Lab's approach to community-led
> research and discuss open questions about best practices.
> More information:
>    -
>    Volunteers Thanked Thousands of Wikipedia Editors to Learn the Effects
>    of Receiving Thanks
> <>,
>    blogpost (in EN, DE, AR, PL, FA) <>
>    -
>    The Diffusion and Influence of Gratitude Expressions in Large-Scale
>    Cooperation: A Field Experiment in Four Knowledge Networks
>    <>, paper preprint
> More information:
> --
> Janna Layton (she/her)
> Administrative Associate - Product & Technology
> Wikimedia Foundation <>

Janna Layton (she/her)
Administrative Associate - Product & Technology
Wikimedia Foundation <>
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