Welcome Maryana!  This is a challenging organization but an important one.
It sounds like you're leading with an understanding of the importance and
context.  Good luck.

On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 8:36 AM Maryana Iskander <miskan...@wikimedia.org>

> Dear All,
> Thank you for this opportunity to introduce myself to you.
> When I read the job position [1] for the next leader of Wikimedia
> Foundation, I noticed that it opened with a seemingly simple statement:
> “Knowledge belongs to all of us.” Does it, really? It’s a striking
> statement. In an increasingly unequal and polarizing world, one in which
> almost nothing belongs to all of us, the idea that knowledge *must *belong
> to all is enough to capture anyone’s attention and imagination – certainly
> mine.
> My story is shaped by a twin belief that knowledge can also set us free.
> Shortly after I was born in Cairo, Egypt, my parents left for the United
> States. During my time at university, graduate school, and law school, I
> was consistently pulled towards some of society’s toughest issues – women’s
> rights, civil rights, and the rights of prisoners. I was equally pulled by
> the need to be effective in making change – seeking out leadership
> positions and raising my hand and voice to change the institutions of
> power, not just protest against them. I learned that the opportunity to
> make meaningful impact often sits ‘in-between’ traditional spheres:
> in-between research and teaching at Rice University, in-between healthcare
> delivery and advocacy at Planned Parenthood, and in-between government and
> the private sector at Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator. My time at all
> of these organisations required listening to and learning from many diverse
> stakeholders – including volunteers – and using my position of leadership
> to champion often unheard voices.
> In 2012, I followed my heart to South Africa and its very complicated
> society – a legacy of apartheid perpetuating deep inequality despite the
> resilience of communities full of potential and hope, and a country with
> one of the highest youth unemployment rates in the world. A new
> organisation had just been formed with a big vision to close this
> opportunity gap. I signed up, first as an unpaid volunteer, and then for
> many years as the CEO. My job has been to cultivate a common space of trust
> for the collective assets of the society – from government, the private
> sector, civil society, and millions of young people – to work in a
> coalition to tackle one of the most daunting challenges of our time. To do
> this, we relied on an inclusive, multi-channel platform that leverages all
> forms of technology as a way to serve communities still riddled by a basic
> lack of access. Our successes came from the power of connection,
> partnership, and a collective belief that young people are the solution,
> not the problem. As I began my tenth year, I felt it was time to make space
> for new leaders.
> Why am I joining the Wikimedia Foundation at this moment? There are many
> reasons: (1) this collective of projects is growing what is perhaps the
> most important commons infrastructure of our modern world. I am excited to
> add my time and talents to this vision. What will it take to create – not
> just imagine – a world in which every single human being can freely share
> in the sum of all knowledge? (2) I have experienced first-hand that
> distributed leadership models can usually achieve more than any group of
> people can do on their own. I am eager to support processes that will make
> this even more true for our movement; and (3) I am drawn to working with
> people of integrity and commitment, who also appreciate humor and joy. I
> can already see that I will meet new colleagues like this from all over the
> world.
> My former colleagues will say that I believe progress is enabled by
> culture: one that is founded on accountability, diversity and inclusion in
> all its forms, and a way of working led by values. It has informed an
> organisational humility in working with others and a relentless focus on
> getting things done the right way – while doing the right thing.
> During the recruitment process, I met with a leading academic in the
> United States named Rebecca. She told me a story of her primary school
> teacher asking the students to raise their hands if they did not have an
> encyclopedia at home. She was one of those students, and it made her feel,
> for the first time, that maybe she didn’t have equal access to the
> resources needed for her education.  The work of this collective community,
> should we achieve our vision, will make it unnecessary for a teacher to
> ever ask that question again. I then returned to South Africa and spoke to
> another Rebecca. This young woman grew up in a rural area where it was a
> struggle to afford text messaging, never mind any meaningful access to the
> digital world. She, too, did not have equal access to the resources she
> needed. Despite their starkly different circumstances, I believe that each
> Rebecca can find her own point of entry into our vision and impact as we
> look ahead to 2030.
> *What have been my prior experiences with the wikiverse?*
> I have had two past interactions with the people behind Wikipedia, in
> addition to being a reader and admirer.
> First, I attended a conference in 2019 where I met a volunteer editor on
> English Wikipedia. The next year, he reached out to me to say that
> Wikipedia was looking to increase its articles about notable women, and he
> would write an article about me [2] in line with Wikipedia’s editing
> values. He eventually did this with the help of another editor from “Women
> in Red.”
> Second, on World Teachers Day in October 2019, my current organisation,
> Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator, participated in an AfroCuration
> event hosted by WikiAfrica Education. It was aimed at generating new
> historical content on Wikipedia related to the themes of democracy,
> freedom, and constitution-making. The goal was to support students and
> teachers to create articles in indigenous languages about individuals who
> contributed to South Africa’s remarkable Constitution.
> I look forward to beginning my own editing and volunteer journey as well
> as my professional path in the movement.
> *What are three things I want to learn from you?*
> My first job is to listen and seek to understand.
> Even before I officially join the Wikimedia Foundation in January 2022, I
> would like to hear from anyone who is interested in sharing directly with
> me.  Later this month, I will send more information about a focused
> ‘listening tour’ that will take place ahead of my formal start date. It
> will consist of online and offline engagements across Wiki communities, as
> well as with Foundation staff and other stakeholders.
> I know that we are many communities with many different opinions. I will
> of course first ask you what you think: about our vision, mission, impact,
> strategy, how we relate to the rest of the world, as well as our current
> and future ways of working and achieving our aspirations.
> But I will also ask you to help me learn what you know from data, even if
> it differs from what you think. I am curious about the spaces ‘in between’
> opinion and evidence – as messy or imperfect as they may be.
> And finally, I want to learn what motivates you at a personal level to
> contribute to your projects and participate in your communities.
> Thank you for taking the time to read my message. I look forward to
> hearing from you.
> Maryana
> P.S. If you would like to read a translation of this email or can help to
> translate my email into other languages, please visit Meta [3]
> ------------------------------
> [1]
> https://wikimediafoundation.org/about/jobs/our-2021-ceo-and-executive-director-search/#section-1
> [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maryana_Iskander
> [3]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Board_noticeboard/14_September_2021_-_Welcoming_the_new_Wikimedia_Foundation_CEO
> On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 5:31 PM Nataliia Tymkiv <ntym...@wikimedia.org>
> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am pleased to announce that the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
>> has appointed Maryana Iskander as the new CEO of the Wikimedia Foundation
>> [1] [2].
>> Since 2013, Maryana has served as the CEO of Harambee Youth Employment
>> Accelerator [3], a South African non-profit social enterprise focused on
>> building African solutions for the global challenge of youth unemployment.
>> Prior to this, she spent six years as Chief Operating Officer of Planned
>> Parenthood Federation of America [4], a volunteer-led social movement
>> focused on access to women’s healthcare. Maryana has also worked in
>> academia as the Advisor to the President of Rice University [5], an
>> international research university based in the United States.
>> Her professional career has been motivated by breaking down systemic
>> barriers, creating opportunities for collaborative solution-building, and
>> community empowerment. She has a proven track record for leading complex
>> organisations shaped by shared decision-making.
>> In looking for the next CEO, we on the Board convened a Transition
>> Committee [6], primarily to guide us in finding the right person for this
>> critical role and secondly to oversee the executive Transition Team. The
>> Transition Committee conducted a far-reaching and competitive global
>> search, receiving around 400 recommendations and speaking to about 50
>> potential candidates. Throughout this selection process, Maryana impressed
>> us as someone who is deeply inspired by the Wikimedia vision and who
>> embodies the values of equity and community that inform all Wikimedia work.
>> She has extensive leadership experience working with volunteer-led
>> initiatives and building partnerships across public, private and social
>> sectors. Maryana also brings expertise in technology-led innovation to
>> accelerate meaningful social change. She does this with a global
>> perspective: Maryana was born in the Middle East, educated in the United
>> States and the United Kingdom, and has spent the last decade living and
>> working on the African continent.
>> Maryana joins the Wikimedia Foundation at a crucial time. The movement is
>> larger than ever, and it has never been more relevant or more trusted. This
>> is an inflection point, as decisions need to be made to execute a shared
>> vision for where the Movement wants to be in 2030. We believe that Maryana
>> is the right person to help lead the Foundation at this moment.
>> As Maryana begins, her priorities will include supporting movement
>> efforts to implement the Wikimedia 2030 recommendations, such as the
>> development of a Movement Charter and the finalization of a Universal Code
>> of Conduct. She will continue the Foundation’s focus on knowledge equity
>> and exploring ways to address the gaps in content and the diversity of
>> contributors to Wikimedia projects. She will be supported by the Board in
>> this journey.
>> Maryana will officially start at the Wikimedia Foundation on January 5,
>> 2022, as she transitions from her current job. Until then, the Foundation
>> will continue to be led by the Transition Team, with guidance from the
>> Board. In my conversations with her, I have seen that Maryana is a fan of
>> direct communication and excited to learn from the movement. In the coming
>> weeks, she will share ways to connect. Please join me in welcoming Maryana
>> (CCed) to the Foundation!
>> PS. For translations of this message, or to help translate it into more
>> languages, please visit Meta-Wiki [7]
>> *[1]
>> https://wikimediafoundation.org/news/2021/09/14/wikimedia-foundation-appoints-maryana-iskander-as-chief-executive-officer/
>> <https://wikimediafoundation.org/news/2021/09/14/wikimedia-foundation-appoints-maryana-iskander-as-chief-executive-officer/>*
>> *[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maryana_Iskander
>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maryana_Iskander> *
>> *[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harambee_Youth_Employment_Accelerator
>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harambee_Youth_Employment_Accelerator>*
>> *[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_Parenthood
>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_Parenthood>*
>> *[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rice_University
>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rice_University> *
>> *[6]
>> https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Resolution:Creating_a_CEO_Transition_Committee_and_Transition_Team,_2021
>> <https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Resolution:Creating_a_CEO_Transition_Committee_and_Transition_Team,_2021>
>>  *
>> *[7]
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Board_noticeboard/14_September_2021_-_Welcoming_the_new_Wikimedia_Foundation_CEO
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Board_noticeboard/14_September_2021_-_Welcoming_the_new_Wikimedia_Foundation_CEO>*
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Board_noticeboard/14_September_2021_-_Welcoming_the_new_Wikimedia_Foundation_CEO>
>> Best regards,
>> antanana / Nataliia Tymkiv
>> Acting Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
>> *NOTICE: You may have received this message outside of your normal
>> working hours/days, as I usually can work more as a volunteer during
>> weekend. You should not feel obligated to answer it during your days off.
>> Thank you in advance!*
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