Thank you for this update, and congratulations to all!

It's great to see many Wikimedians who joined the movement more recently
serving on the board of executives!  I think it demonstrates maturity,
community health, and continuity that Wikimedia Indonesia has been able to
achieve this.

Best wishes and much success in your endeavors!


Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)

Senior Program Officer, Emerging Wikimedia Communities

Wikimedia Foundation <>

Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!

On Sun, Jul 10, 2022 at 11:08 PM Rachmat W. <>

> Dear Wikimedians,
> As you may know, Biyanto (Chair of WMID 2016–2021) has officially
> announced his departure from Wikimedia Indonesia a few weeks ago. We are
> very much appreciate for his valuable contributions to WMID over the past
> six years and making WMID even better and being able to work and
> collaborate with some of you.
> In my email, I would like to update you on some changes from our side,
> such as the organizational structure changes (board of executives and board
> of trustees) and the 2021 organizational report.
> In February 2022, WMID held a General Meeting of Members to elect the
> Chair and Board of Trustees. A total of 42 members of the meeting attended
> and elected the Chair and Board of Trustees to serve for three years until
> 2024.
> Wikimedia Indonesia Board of Executives for 2022–2024
> <> are as
> follows:
>    - Rachmat, as elected Chair. Rachmat is a member of WMID and
>    Wikimedian since 2012. Previously served as Deputy Treasurer (2016–2018)
>    and General Secretary (2019–2021).
>    - Hillun, as General Secretary (appointed). She is a Wikipedian since
>    2014 and member of WMID since 2015. Previously served as Deputy General
>    Secretary (2019–2021).
>    - Hardiansyah, as Deputy General Secretary (appointed). He is a
>    Wikimedian since 2015 and member of WMID since 2017.
>    - Fajarwati, as Treasurer (appointed). She is a Wikipedian since 2016
>    and member of WMID since 2017. Previously served as member of Board of
>    Trustees (2019–2021).
>    - Thirza, as Deputy Treasurer (appointed). She is a Wikipedian and
>    member of WMID since 2017. Served as Deputy Treasurer (2019–2021).
> We also have new Board of Trustees who serve for the period of 2022–2024
> <>:
>    - Andri, as Chair of Board of Trustees. He is one of WMID founding
>    members and Wikimedian since 2006.
>    - Ichsan, as member of Board of Trustees. Also one of the WMID
>    founding member and Wikimedian since 2006.
>    - Annayu, as member of Board of Trustees. She is a member of WMID
>    since 2018.
>    - Fachria, as member of Board of Trustees. Served as member of Board
>    of Trustees (2019–2021) and member of WMID since 2016.
>    - Hendra, as member of Board of Trustees. He served as Deputy
>    Treasurer in 2012–2015 and member of WMID since 2011. He is also a
>    Wikipedian since 2009.
> In the past month, we have already wrapped up the 2021 organizational and
> financial report, which can be accessed here:
> (in Indonesian and
> English).
> We would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to Ivonne who held the
> position of Deputy Chair (2019-2021) and Djohan who was Treasurer during
> the same term.
> This is all the information we wanted to share with all of you. We look
> forward to meeting and chatting with you about what we can work on together.
> Teriring salam dan terima kasih,
> Rachmat
> ~~~
> *Rachmat W.*
> Ketua Umum (*Chair*), Direktur Proyek (*Project Director*)
> Surat elektronik:
> <> • Akun pengguna: Rachmat
> (WMID) <>
> *Wikimedia Indonesia* • TCC Batavia Tower One, Lt. 6, Jalan K.H. Mas
> Mansyur No. 126, Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta
> 10220
> F: /wikimedia.indonesia <> •
> T: @wikimediaid <> • I: @wikimediaid
> <> • YT: Wikimedia Indonesia
> <> • S:
> 3420XbbYlpOojpZm0PKyF6
> <> • Li: /wikimediaid
> <> / /rachmatwahidi
> <> •
> Isi surel (*email*) ini bersifat rahasia dan hanya ditujukan untuk
> penerima yang ditentukan dalam surel ini. Mohon tidak membagikan bagian apa
> pun dari pesan ini dengan pihak mana pun, tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari
> pengirim. Apabila Anda menerima pesan ini secara tidak sengaja, beritahu
> kami dengan membalas pesan ini dan hapus pesan ini setelahnya. Kami akan
> memastikan kesalahan seperti itu tidak terjadi di masa mendatang.
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