Dear all,

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees met for their final meeting of
2022 on December 7. Two members of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee
(MCDC) – Érica Azzellini and Manavpreet Kaur – were invited to join the
meeting as Board Visitors

== Board Business ==

Quite a bit of regularly scheduled Board business was covered, including:


   Appointing Mike Peel [1] to the Board and reappointing Shani Evenstein
   Sigalov to her second term [2]. Their terms will run from December 7, 2022
   until December 31, 2025. You can read more about Mike and Shani here on
   Diff [3].

   Most of the work of the Board is done via its committees. Each year each
   Trustee’s committee assignments are approved to serve on individual Board
   committees, either as full members or as alternates. The new membership is
   listed here [4].

   The Board also approved the September 8 Board meeting minutes [5].

== Governance Reforms ==

During the meeting, the Board also approved changes to the Affiliations
Committee Charter [6]. Also, the Community Affairs Committee (CAC) is to
oversee the Affiliations Committee on behalf of the board from now on, and
will be responsible for any future revision of the Affiliations Committee
Charter, and for appointing Board Liaisons. CAC will likewise be providing
oversight to the Language Committee [7]. These changes will help CAC to
work more directly with the advising Board committees, to assess and
provide support, and to make changes quicker if needed.

== 2022 Board Selection Review ==

The Board also received an update from the Governance Committee on their
recent meeting with the Elections Committee in November. The past selection
process was challenging because of the lack of clarity on the roles of all
the bodies involved. The Board acknowledges that the process became
overcomplicated, and changes mid-process added more confusion and
frustration. For the next Board selection process, there would be more
clearly defined roles for the Elections Committee, the Governance Committee
/ Board Selection Task Force, and Foundation staff, to avoid slowdowns and
lack of clarity on process. These updated roles and responsibilities will
be made public to help voters and candidates understand how decisions are
being made. The Board agreed with the recommendation from the Governance
Committee to seat Trustees in 2024 at the December board meeting, so that
there is enough time to plan the next selection process, and make all
necessary changes to the SecurePoll software etc.

== Foundation Updates ==

During the meeting the Board also received a report from staff on the
current financial outlook as well as an update on year-end fundraising
revenue: the first week
the revised banner campaign on the English Wikipedia shows a roughly 50%
decline in donations. As this was information for only one week, the Board
needs more data to understand the implications, and will therefore be
meeting again with staff in January to discuss next steps.

After the Board meeting there was an open Q&A session with Foundation
staff, to discuss the meeting outcomes, and the fundraising data.

== 2023 Meeting Dates ==

The regular 2023 Board meeting dates have been set and the Board will be


   March 9-12, New York, USA

   June 21 (Virtual)

   August (Wikimania, Singapore, the exact date(s) TBD)

   December 6 (Virtual)

== Open Conversation with Trustees on December 15 ==

I hope to see you at the upcoming CAC Open Conversation with Trustees
happening December 15, at 12:00 UTC, on Zoom (write to
if you would like to register). As usual, the call will be recorded, and
there will be a live YouTube stream. This call will have interpretation
into Arabic. As communicated before, the aim is to provide interpretation
for any language where there are five or more interested community members,
but as mentioned on the page, the requests should have been made at least 5
days before the event.








Best regards,
antanana / Nataliia Tymkiv
Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees

*NOTICE: You may have received this message outside of your normal working
hours/days, as I usually can work more as a volunteer during weekend. You
should not feel obligated to answer it during your days off. Thank you in
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