First and foremost, let me just be clear that my message announcing the day
of action was entirely my own. I do not claim to represent the Arabic
Wikimedia movement in any way, shape, or form. In fact, the words "day of
action" and "going dark" was my own terminology for describing what has
happened. While I only used factual information about this action, I did
offer some commentary, such as my characterization of SOPA and PIPA as
"legal travesties".

The intent of my email was never to provoke animosity or invite
whataboutism, which are inevitable side effects of having such a diverse
community. I'm sure some pro-censorship people were also triggered by the
anti-SOPA action, and some pro-Kremlin ones by the support for Ukraine. In
any situation, you'll find people "both-sides

I echo my colleague Mr. Edri's call for the release of Israeli hostages,
who I hope will remain safe and evade bombing and sniping
<> attacks by Israeli
forces, and once released get the necessary healthcare in Israeli hospitals
that are still fully functional

I also fully agree with Mr. Edri's very real concern over the rise in
European (and let me add American
antisemitism, as well as other racist hate speech and violence.

I reiterate my wishes of safety, peace, and justice for everyone, and for
the atrocities of death, destruction, and displacement
<> being
committed in Palestine to stop.

A proud human
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