On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 11:58 PM Željko Blaće <zbl...@mi2.hr> wrote:

> What is May 17th?
> The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia was
> created in 2004 to draw the attention to the violence and discrimination
> experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex people and all
> other people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities or
> expressions, and sex characteristics. The date of May 17th was specifically
> chosen to commemorate the World Health Organization’s decision in 1990 to
> declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder. https://may17.org
> One year ago in 2020 we started QueeringW in hope #1 Queering Wikipedia
> conference would be happening with a year of delay...now we hope it is in
> 2022!
> Meanwhile we are "Together, we Resist, Support, and Heal"
> <https://twitter.com/may17org>
> for those who celebrate and would support
> https://www.instagram.com/QueeringW
> @may17org <https://twitter.com/may17org> #IDAHOT
> <https://twitter.com/hashtag/IDAHOT?src=hashtag_click> #IDAHOT2021
> <https://twitter.com/hashtag/IDAHOT2021?src=hashtag_click>
> https://twitter.com/QueeringW

Dear Wikimedians, today is the 20th celebration of May17th the
International Day Against Homophobia, Lesbophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia
and Intersexphobia.
It is celebrated in the months that Wiki for Human Rights is happening yet
almost no activity was registered by biggest affiliates and social media
In fact LGBTIQ+ communities and individuals have been experiencing
backlashing on home wikies (increasing number of queer and feminist editors
have been blocked), funds have been reduced/denied and numerous Wikimedia
Foundation or Affiliate employees/contractors have been doing less work in
the community if not fully reverted to their private strategic safety of a
closet/selectively visible identities...All of this is happening in the
context where we are half way through to our Wikimedia 2030 Strategy period
and while we are constantly requested to celebrate openness of content with
joy if not euforia of pioneers.

Our issues are much more than fixing Wikipedias and its LGBTIQ+ content
gaps. Our issues are also basic safety that enables participation gap work
and basic equity in self-allocation of funds to close the resource gaps to
which officials turn the blind eye (aged metaphors of regional
distributions still dominate Wikimedia core conceptual frameworks). Hetero
(and Homo) normativity has been blocking change both actively and as
passive aggressive behaviour of those in power.

To quote Robbert Dijkgraaf, Minister for Education, Culture and Science of
the Netherlands: “Stop talking about inclusion. Talk about expansion.
Because it's not about whether you fit into our society. It's about whether
society expands to provide space for you. When society grows, it creates a
broader and richer environment for everyone to enjoy.”  This is an
invitation to consider is Wikimedia doing too little by advocating
tolerance and acceptance if no new models of work and structures of
organizing are encouraged to accommodate the spectra of differences.

Following the last Signpost mention
of No_queerphobia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:No_queerphobia we
would encourage individuals in all language communities to consider, with
safety in mind and in solidarity with others, doing actions of translating,
localizing or writing own essays that address their experiences and needs
(not naively expecting they are same for all and everywhere), so that at
least our bottom up efforts on our platforms could not be ignored.
Today we should all be in solidarity with those who have less chances to
live and act safely and openly, get heard, counted for and appreciated, be
supported, informed and empowered, as the motto of May17 for this year is “No
one left behind: equality, freedom, and justice for all”...


Z. Blace for QW2024 organization team
(former QueeringWikipedia event series)
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