Way 3 is only banned if staff decide external links are too dangerous.


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On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 01:54 Charles Roberson <clandonrober...@gmail.com>

> James,
> Way 1-3 was effectively banned by WMF today. Way 4 is still viable, but
> expecting the staff to start it up for you is a pipe dream.
> -  Charles
> On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 4:01 PM James Heilman <jmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have laid out 4 strategies for including OWID in mediawiki here
>> https://mdwiki.org/wiki/WikiProjectMed:OWID
>> We can of course do the third one immediately. Ie simply link in the
>> caption to the interactive graphs hosted by OWID itself.
>> James
>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 9:15 PM Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <
>> galder...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> It doesn't matter what we think. It doesn't even matter if we
>>> collectively decide that we want to go on that direction. The WMF's Annual
>>> Plan and every single answer points that they don't mind.
>>> We were doing it wrong one year ago. Now is even worse. Catastrophic,
>>> but not serious.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* James Heilman <jmh...@gmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, June 6, 2024 9:09 PM
>>> *To:* Wikimedia Mailing List <wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
>>> *Subject:* [Wikimedia-l] Re: We need more interactive content: we are
>>> doing it wrong
>>> Yah, not sure what Bergsma (WMF)
>>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Mark_Bergsma_(WMF)> is trying to
>>> say... No one is dismissing security or privacy. One; however, does need to
>>> balance risk versus benefit and of course mitigate security and
>>> privacy issues along the way. Allowing fear of security or privacy risks to
>>> paralyse us is also not ideal.
>>> Kimmo for sure we could internalize everything ie run their software on
>>> production servers, we already host their data on Commons (that was a
>>> many year effort). Made the request 8 or so years ago to host their
>>> software in fact, but the WMF dissolved the team / individual working on
>>> this effort. I still think that is a reasonable way forwards.
>>> James
>>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 8:03 PM Kimmo Virtanen <
>>> kimmo.virta...@wikimedia.fi> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Just as a practical question in terms of what has been already done. As
>>> it seems that all proposals where extension will require external
>>> connections outside of Wikimedia production sites are no-go the feasible
>>> next step would be to modify the OurWorldInData extension so that it would
>>> load the graph data from Wikimedia commons. Is this already done even for a
>>> limited number of example graphs? If not then this could be the next step
>>> and then ask for a new security review on this approach.
>>> Though, even after  it is solved that extension doesn't need external
>>> connections outside wikimedia production it still would require some level
>>> code review that OWID grapher doesn't do anything unexpected.
>>> Data itself in least some extend is in Commons
>>> - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Our_World_in_Data_datasets
>>> The OurWorldInData grapher
>>> -
>>> https://github.com/owid/owid-grapher/tree/master/packages/%40ourworldindata/grapher
>>> Application Security Review Request : OurWorldInData
>>> - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T324989
>>> Br,
>>> -- Kimmo Virtanen, Zache
>>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 6:46 PM Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <
>>> galder...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Has this discussion impacted somehow on the WMF's approach to the future.
>>> Well, today we had the answer:
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:OWID_Gadget#c-Mark_Bergsma_(WMF)-20240606152100-Sj-20240428061700
>>> (TL;DR: no)
>>> Galder
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Daniel Mui <danboy12...@gmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 26, 2024 9:40 PM
>>> *To:* Wikimedia Mailing List <wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
>>> *Subject:* [Wikimedia-l] Re: We need more interactive content: we are
>>> doing it wrong
>>> I would agree that no mention in the OKR would be quite disturbing...
>>> However the 2024 report is NOT out yet, these are draft issues and I would
>>> not make judgement until the full report is ready, which i believe to be
>>> april.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Dear All,
>>> I understand the frustration around the lack of progress on interactive
>>> content and the discontinuation of the Graph extension. However, I'd like
>>> to point out a few things.
>>> First, the response from staff members reaching out to editors for their
>>> opinions was remarkably quick. This type of response is not common, and
>>> Wikipedia is unique in its hands-on approach to issues like this, it is
>>> something to be proud of and also something that takes time.
>>> Second, the Graph tool is being overhauled rather than patched. This is
>>> a significant undertaking that will bring all our tools into the modern
>>> age, making them more accessible and removing the underlying
>>> vulnerabilities that led to the current situation in the first place,
>>> it will also ensure the tool is up-to-date in terms of UX through things
>>> like codex and other modern improvements that long term will allow more
>>> users to create graphs which hopefully will keep it a priority to maintain,
>>> again thinking long term here.
>>> I know that this is taking time, but I believe that developing a robust
>>> and sustainable solution is the best approach. Doing it this way rather
>>> than delaying it for another six months is something I'd rather have
>>> and I'd like to thank the hard working wikimedia team for that.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Daniel
>>> On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 8:03 PM Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <
>>> galder...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> Soon it will be a year since the Graph extension is disabled in all
>>> wikis. Meanwhile, we have been discussing about interactive content here
>>> and there, and there have been some promises about changes in the platform
>>> so these changes are possible in the future.
>>> Today the draft of the Key Results for the 2024-2025 annual plan was
>>> published and there's no single mention to this, nor to improving the
>>> multimedia experience. The disconnection between the needs and the plans is
>>> so evident, that I don't really know why we even bother discussing. You can
>>> see the Key Results here:
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Annual_Plan/2024-2025/Product_%26_Technology_OKRs
>>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Annual_Plan/2024-2025/Product_%26_Technology_OKRs>
>>> .
>>> This is extremely disappointing.
>>> Best,
>>> Galder
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Samuel Klein <meta...@gmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* Saturday, March 23, 2024 3:37 PM
>>> *To:* Wikimedia Mailing List <wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
>>> *Subject:* [Wikimedia-l] Re: We need more interactive content: we are
>>> doing it wrong
>>> Beautiful. Thank you Felipe!!
>>> 🌍🌏🌎🌑
>>> On Sat, Mar 23, 2024, 5:54 AM Felipe Schenone <scheno...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Galder, I just did this fix
>>> <https://eu.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition&diff=prev&oldid=9637458>
>>>  and
>>> your Vivarium seems to be working now. The documentation was ok, but a bit
>>> confusing, so I improved it too. Soon I'll send a patch to make those
>>> "special categories" unnecessary. In the meantime, they're a necessary
>>> annoyance, I'm afraid. Cheers!
>>> On Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 5:37 AM Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <
>>> galder...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks Felipe, that's a really great move. I looked to these examples a
>>> couple o years ago, and this seems that a good option to add some
>>> interactive content. Anyway, I have tried to replicate it and can't make it
>>> work (https://eu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Txantiloi:Vivarium). Is the
>>> documentation right?
>>> Best
>>> Galder
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Felipe Schenone <scheno...@gmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* Friday, March 22, 2024 10:39 PM
>>> *To:* Wikimedia Mailing List <wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org>
>>> *Subject:* [Wikimedia-l] Re: We need more interactive content: we are
>>> doing it wrong
>>> Hi everyone, good news!
>>> Thanks to this humble change
>>> <https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/Gadgets/+/1005092> 
>>> (deployed
>>> today) it is now possible to load a specific gadget when a specific
>>> template is used in a page. This opens the door (or perhaps a window?) to
>>> interactive content using JavaScript. See for example this article in
>>> the Spanish Wikipedia <https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juego_de_la_vida> for
>>> an interactive instance of Conway's Game of Life, and scroll down for more
>>> instances!
>>> I started documenting the system at MediaWiki.org, under the title template
>>> gadgets <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_gadgets>, and included
>>> many working examples. Check it out!
>>> Perhaps the system isn't as friendly or powerful a solution as some
>>> might hope. But it's very real, and it only depends on us now. Next week,
>>> when the documentation and examples are a bit more cooked, I'll propose
>>> adding a few "template gadgets" to the English Wikipedia, since my
>>> experience has taught me that when something hits the English Wikipedia, it
>>> quickly spreads elsewhere. I'll link to the proposal when I do, in case you
>>> want to participate.
>>> There's so much more that could be said about this, but I'd rather keep
>>> it short. If you have questions or ideas, feel free to write them here or
>>> at the relevant talk page
>>> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Template_gadgets>.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Felipe (User:Sophivorus)
>>> On Thu, Feb 8, 2024 at 5:31 AM danboy12342 Mui <danboy12...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I agree that Wikipedia needs to spend a few quarters spending time on
>>> our main product. The website is very impressively still the top result of
>>> a huge number of searches and in this new AI age; despite the
>>> controversy around it, wikipedia is the top source for many LLMs.
>>> Therefore while it doesn't need to be the only focus or even *the* focus 
>>> most
>>> of the time it does need to be kept working but not just kept as is, it
>>> needs to be innovative and continue to meet the growing demands of a
>>> "modern" and "useable" site that allow users to get the information they
>>> need as fast and effectively as possible, these days that means
>>> interactivity.
>>> I feel I'm repeating others but a quick burst of very serious investment
>>> into the site and its many sister pages needs to happen sooner rather than
>>> later.
>>> Finally I'd like to thank Marshall again for his remarkable comments.
>>> It's good to see that this issue is clearly a priority that foundation
>>> staff are already looking at.
>>> - Daniel.
>>> ---------------------
>>> On Wed, Feb 7, 2024, 09:17 Gnangarra <gnanga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I just like to highlight one point, that raises concerns;
>>> perhaps enabling other platforms/apps to use our content to make
>>> interactive or video materials there.
>>> While this sounds like an easy solution we run into a number of hidden
>>> costs.  These are significant when we push for reusers to present what we
>>> are doing in better ways we lose the movement's revenue stream as less
>>> people see our donation banners.  With less direct traffic we also
>>> sacrifice the ability to convert readers into contributors which has always
>>> been our primary source of community sustainability and growth.   I know
>>> other providers will find different ways to present our efforts in part or
>>> in whole that is part of our purpose, to do our mission and achieve our
>>> goals we need prioritise internal solutions.
>>> This also leads us to a related issue that our mission is to make the
>>> sum of all knowledge freely available. When we look to outside parties to
>>> share our efforts we lose our ability to ensure that the information is
>>> neutral, and that it's freely accessible.  Butch is right in noting that
>>> when we put funding into third party sites it is taking resources away from
>>> the movement, yet those same funds were donated to us on the basis of
>>> maintaining and building our infrastructure.  It would be a wise investment
>>> to enable some of those much needed interactive and video content here
>>> through purchasing rights.
>>> On Wed, 7 Feb 2024 at 12:20, Butch Bustria <bustr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> My earnest hope that the Wikimedia Foundation on its 2024-2025 Annual
>>> Financial Plan prioritize and I mean put first among all is the technical
>>> infrastructure among all its budgetary items. We can scale down budgets to
>>> 3rd party organizations like the Knowledge Equity Fund, Movement Strategy
>>> Governance funding, campaign grants, and other "wants" to accomodate a
>>> highly technically reliable and stable Wikimedia online projects ("needs"),
>>> future proof, and user friendly experience which require investments on
>>> quality manpower, hardware, applications and the like. We love open source
>>> but we also be pragmatic and wise on selection of choices because we want
>>> our content be conveniently available and reliable to our readers, users,
>>> consumers and also editors.
>>> A welcome development is the MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference,
>>> the successor to EMWCon.
>>> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_Users_and_Developers_Conference_2024
>>> The said conference will be held in Portland, Oregon, from April 17–19,
>>> 2024.
>>> I also hope the Foundation invest in more technical gatherings, both
>>> onsite, hybrid or online to engage and reach out to more technical
>>> contributors, within and beyond the Wikimedia movement. I also hope WMF to
>>> start exploring eastward to Asia or elsewhere in the world as well fully
>>> diversify the technical community.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> *Butch Bustria*
>>> On Wed, Feb 7, 2024, 4:54 AM Brion Vibber <bvib...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>>> Thanks for weighing in, Marshall!
>>> I agree wholeheartedly that we need to do a proper architecture for a
>>> sandbox for interactive media, that will be safe (first and foremost),
>>> perform well in the browser, work across device types (desktop web, mobile
>>> web, mobile apps), and maintain our key requirements on editability and
>>> reusability, balanced against the security and privacy needs of users if
>>> we're going to invest the effort.
>>> Backing up to do it right rather than patch up Graphs “one more time” is
>>> the right thing, and I’m very happy to see a confluence of interest around
>>> this now!
>>> My hope is we can figure out how to make that architecture & testing
>>> work happen in the near term until we collectively (inside WMF and out) can
>>> wrangle resources to make the implementation production-ready.
>>> Once we have a common infrastructure to build on, it’ll be easier for
>>> work to progress on individual types of media (graphs, charts, maps,
>>> animations, editable simulations, coding examples, etc, as well as classics
>>> like panorama viewers and integrating the audio/video player into a sandbox
>>> for heightened security).
>>> My biggest hope is that we’ll enable more work from outside WMF to
>>> happen – letting volunteers and other orgs who might have their own
>>> specialty areas and work funding to progress without every change being a
>>> potential new security risk.
>>> When we have succeeded in the past, we have succeeded by making tools
>>> that other people can use as their own basis to build their own works. I’m
>>> confident we can get there on interactive media with some common focus.
>>> Let's all try to capture some of this momentum while we've got it and
>>> set ourselves up for success down the road.
>>> – b
>>> On Tue, Feb 6, 2024, 12:27 PM <mmil...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone – My name is Marshall Miller, I am a Senior Director of
>>> Product at the Wikimedia Foundation, and I work with many of the teams that
>>> are involved with the user experience of our websites and apps, such as the
>>> Editing, Web, Growth, and Mobile Apps teams (among others) [1]. I’m part of
>>> the leadership group that makes decisions about how the WMF teams approach
>>> things like graphs, interactive content, and video.  Thank you all for
>>> having this in-depth and important discussion.
>>> I know that issues with graphs [2] are what started this discussion, but
>>> I agree that it makes sense to think about this in terms of the broader
>>> category of “interactive content”, because other kinds of interactive
>>> content, such as maps or timelines, would share architecture with what is
>>> needed for graphs (video is a different and more complicated content
>>> type).  I wrote a lot in this email, but here are a couple of the main
>>> points up front: to support graphs and other interactive content, we would
>>> need to take a step back and make a substantial investment in sustainable
>>> architecture to do it – so that it works well, safely, and is built to
>>> last.  And because that’s a substantial investment, we need to weigh it
>>> against other important investments in order to decide whether and when to
>>> do it.
>>> I know that it is very frustrating that the Graph extension has not been
>>> operational for many months – it means readers haven’t been seeing graphs
>>> in articles, and editors haven’t been able to use graphs to do things like
>>> monitor backlogs in WikiProjects.  Over the months of trying to find a way
>>> to turn graphs back on, it has become clear that there isn’t a safe
>>> shortcut here and that the path forward will require a substantial
>>> investment – one that we have not yet started given the other priorities
>>> we’ve been working on.  Every year we have to make difficult tradeoffs
>>> around what areas of our technical infrastructure we can and cannot take
>>> on.  In the current fiscal year, the Product and Technology department has
>>> made experienced editors a priority [3], and many things that volunteers
>>> have asked for are either accomplished or in flight:
>>> Improvements to PageTriage (complete) [4]
>>> Watchlist in the iOS app (complete) [5]
>>> Patrolling in the Android app (in progress) [6]
>>> Dark mode (in progress) [7]
>>> Improvements to the Commons Upload Wizard (in progress) [8]
>>> …and other projects.
>>> But I know this conversation isn’t as much about what editors need as
>>> what current and future readers need.  Between talking about interactive
>>> content and talking about video, it sounds like we’re having the larger
>>> conversation of what we should be offering today’s and tomorrow’s readers
>>> to help them learn from encyclopedic content – whether we need to be
>>> offering interactivity, or video, or perhaps enabling other platforms/apps
>>> to use our content to make interactive or video materials there.  This is a
>>> really important conversation, because even working together we probably
>>> will not be able to build all of it – we’ll have to make hard choices about
>>> where to invest.  One place where this broader conversation is happening is
>>> called “Future Audiences”, which does experiments on how to reach newer
>>> generations who use the internet differently than previous generations –
>>> and thinking particularly about video.  Future Audiences has regular calls
>>> with community members to shape the direction of those experiments, which
>>> in turn inform how the broader Foundation prioritizes.  I hope many of you
>>> will get involved in those conversations – you can sign up here. [9]
>>> Focusing back on graphs, since that’s what kicked this thread off, the
>>> several approaches we’ve attempted for quickly re-enabling the extension
>>> have ended up having security or performance problems.  Therefore, we think
>>> that if we were to support graphs and other interactive content, we would
>>> need to plan substantial investment in sustainable architecture.  This way,
>>> our approach would work securely and stably for the longer term.  But that
>>> would take significant resources, and we’ll need to weigh it against many
>>> other important priorities, like tools for functionaries, improvements to
>>> the editing experience, automated ways to stop vandals, etc.
>>> To be clear, if we do assign resources to the planning and building of
>>> an architecture for graphs (and other interactive content), it means that
>>> we are still at least several more months away from having a working
>>> Foundation-supported architecture.  Therefore, I think we should also be
>>> having the additional conversation that many others have brought up about
>>> what volunteers can do in these intervening months to make graphs somewhat
>>> available to users.  I know people are talking about that concretely on the
>>> Phabricator task, and I will join that conversation as well.
>>> For the bigger question, I would like to start with some more learning
>>> about which kinds of interactive content are important for our
>>> encyclopedia, and how our community members see the evolution of the
>>> reading experience on our projects.  I’d like to have some small
>>> conversations with many of you so that we can get into the details and
>>> ideas, joined by some of my colleagues.  I’ll start reaching out to see who
>>> is interested in talking – and please let me know directly if you’d like to
>>> talk.
>>> Thank you for weighing in so far, and let’s keep talking and planning
>>> together.
>>> Marshall
>>> [1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:MMiller_(WMF)
>>> [2] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T334940
>>> [3]
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Annual_Plan/2023-2024#Our_approach_for_the_future
>>> [4]
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Page_Curation/2023_Moderator_Tools_project#October_20,_2023:_Final_update
>>> !
>>> [5]
>>> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Apps/Team/iOS/Watchlist#October_2023
>>> [6]
>>> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Apps/Team/Android/Anti_Vandalism
>>> [7] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Reading/Web/Accessibility_for_reading
>>> [8]
>>> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:WMF_support_for_Commons/Upload_Wizard_Improvements
>>> [9]
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Future_Audiences#Sign_up_to_participate!
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>>> Boodarwun
>>> Gnangarra
>>> 'ngany dabakarn koorliny arn boodjera dardon nlangan Nyungar
>>> koortabodjar'
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