Hello, Nordic people!

Wikimedia CEE Spring [1] is annual article writing contests which will
happen for the 4th time this year.

You might have heard about the concept — each participating country in
Central and Easter Europe prepares a list of topics and then writes about
other countries. It is rather long contest — from the 21st of March to the
31st of May.

We kindly invite you to organize CEE thematic contest in Nordic Wikipedias.
These can be shorter or start a bit later.

CEE Spring international organizers will provide:
* Topic lists (on meta.wikimedial.org) — will be ready on  March 21
* Automatic statistics (if articles are tagged with provided talk page
* Prize for participants who write at least one article about every
country/region — a very big contribution (still to be confirmed)

However, we can not:
* provide prizes for local contest
* accept your list of topics (somewhat sensitive issue about limiting
contest scope to CEE)

If you are interested, contact me and sign up at local organizers page. [2]


[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_CEE_Spring_2018
[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_CEE_Spring_2018/Participants
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