
Сегодня, во вторник 21 апреля, в период с 19-20 мск коммуникационная команда 
Викимедиа продолжит сессию публичных ответов на вопросы сообщества по проекту 
брендингу Движения,[1] которая была начата 16 апреля.[2][3]

Видеосвязь будет организована на платформе Google Мeet,[4] позднее видеозапись 
будет опубликована на Викискладе.
Сам планирую сделать запись в смартфоне (стандартный *.3gpp), загрузить на 
Яндекс.Диск и включить ссылку в отчёт.

Желающим смотреть и слушать на русском в прямом эфире, буду готов предоставить 
параллельное русское аудио - мне удобен знакомый Скайп, но есть Zoom и готов 
вместо этого использовать какой-либо иной доступный канал.[5] 

Это официальное приглашением всех желающим, аналогично приглашению на 
предыдущий конференц-звонок Викимедиа.

С уважением,

[1] Вопросы сообщества собираются на 
 , смело добавляйте свои.
[2] Русскоязычное приглашение на видеоконференцию 16.04 
[3] Отчёт по часовой конференц.связи 16.04 
[4] Участвовать в англоязычной видеоконференции (21.04, 19-20 мск) на 
[5] Мои контакты личные Skype/Telegram/Facebook:frhdkazan, Zoom:f...@narod.ru 
или в чатах ВМРУ на Telegram/Facebook

-------- Пересылаемое сообщение --------
20.04.2020, 22:35, "Samir Elsharbaty" <selsharb...@wikimedia.org>:

Hi Again,

We wanted to follow up with participation details for the office hour. It will 
be held tomorrow 21 April from 1600 to 1700 UTC. You can join us on Google Meet 
(using this link). 

This is an OPTIONAL session to answer the questions left from the Unified 
Concept Presentation last week. It will also be recorded and posted to 
Wikimedia Commons later.

If you have more questions to add to the agenda, please add them on meta or 
over the chat during the session. 

Thank you! 

Samir Elsharbaty (he/him)

Community Brand and Marketing coordinator

Wikimedia Foundation

On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 10:53 AM Samir Elsharbaty <selsharb...@wikimedia.org> 
> Hi everyone,
> Because there was such great participation yesterday, we weren’t able to get 
> to all of the questions asked during the discussion part of the presentation. 
> The questions are now compiled on the Brand Network page on Meta.
> We will be holding an office hour this upcoming Tuesday 21 April from 
> 16:00-17:00 UTC to answer the remaining questions, along with any others that 
> come up. The session will be recorded and made available after. We will 
> follow up with the participation link on Monday.
> If you have more questions you’d like answered, feel free to add them to the 
> section on Meta, reply to this email, or bring them to the office hour.
> Thanks and hope to see you then!
> Best,
> Samir
> Samir Elsharbaty (he/him)
> Community Brand and Marketing coordinator
> Wikimedia Foundation
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 7:27 PM Samir Elsharbaty <selsharb...@wikimedia.org> 
> wrote:
>> Today we are celebrating a new milestone of the project that we reached 
>> together. The unified concept is the fruit of three months of collaboration 
>> and hard work that many of you have been involved in.
>> We call this a “unified” concept because it distills the 23 distinct 
>> concepts generated in workshops into a single word to describe the spirit of 
>> our movement. This concept will not be a public, visible part of branding, 
>> but a guiding idea. Without further ado, our unified concept is:
>> Interconnection
>> Interconnections are mutual connections between two or more things
>> From the smallest interconnections, to the bigger picture
>> We find interconnections in nature and through ecosystems
>> There are interconnections between people who are creating something bigger
>> Interconnections between languages, cultures and beliefs
>> Enabling us to understand, discuss and contribute and share knowledge.”
>> You can find a recording of the live presentation here. In addition, you can 
>> also find the concept video and more information about the development of 
>> the unified concept on the project hub. We are asking you to kindly share 
>> these resources with your affiliates and the wider community.
>> We also shared some important dates for the project’s continuing 
>> collaboration:
>> *
>> April 20 - 26 : Project exercise #3 launches - help make “interconnection” 
>> come to life using images on Wikimedia Commons
>> *
>> May 7 -21: Naming conventions will be released for community review and 
>> feedback
>> More information coming soon.
>> Thank you and please let us know if you have any questions.
>> Samir and the Brand Project team.
>> Samir Elsharbaty (he/him)
>> Community Brand and Marketing coordinator
>> Wikimedia Foundation
>> On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 9:29 PM Samir Elsharbaty <selsharb...@wikimedia.org> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> We wanted to remind you that we will be holding the LIVE Unified Concept 
>>> presentation tomorrow Thursday 16 April from 1500 to 1600 UTC.
>>> You can join us live on Youtube using this link and you can watch the 
>>> recorded presentation later on Youtube using the same link.
>>> You can participate in the discussion through:
>>> *
>>> Live chat on Youtube.
>>> *
>>> IRC channel #wikimedia-office on webchat.freenode.net
>>> Thank you and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
>>> Best,
>>> Samir and the Brand Project team
>>> Samir Elsharbaty (he/him)
>>> Community Brand and Marketing coordinator
>>> Wikimedia Foundation

-------- Конец пересылаемого сообщения --------

Farhad Fatkullin - Фархад Фаткуллин http://sikzn.ru/ Тел.+79274158066 / 
skype:frhdkazan / Wikipedia:frhdkazan / Wikidata:Q34036417

Wikimedia-RU mailing list
  • [WM-RU... Фархад Фаткуллин / Farhad Fatkullin via Wikimedia-RU
    • R... Фархад Фаткуллин / Farhad Fatkullin via Wikimedia-RU
      • ... Sergei S . Rublёv via Wikimedia-RU
