REMINDER: This meeting starts in 30 minutes.

*Update/change to Movement update:* As noted in the March meeting invite,
we are changing the movement update section of the metrics meeting. For the
April meeting, we will be having a lightning talk-inspired movement update
where Wikimedia community member(s) will share a brief summary of a recent
community project, story, or other activity. More details about other
community stories, projects, and initiatives in the movement will be
available in the appendix of the metrics meeting deck.

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 3:12 PM, Lena Traer <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> The next Wikimedia Foundation metrics and activities meeting will take
> place on Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 6:00 PM UTC (11 AM PDT). The IRC
> channel is #wikimedia-office on, and the meeting will be
> broadcast as a live YouTube stream.
> The theme of the April meeting is: “Wikimedia for the world” (part 2) –
> understanding how we can better serve and include people around the world
> in the Wikimedia movement. Because we had so many timely and relevant
> stories from around the movement related to this theme, we chose to use
> this theme for the April meeting as well.
> Meeting agenda:
> * Welcomes, theme introduction
> * Movement update
> * New Readers update
> * Exploring the world of Wikipedia in indigenous languages of Latin America
> * Movement strategy update
> * Questions and discussion
> * Wikilove
> Please review
> metrics_and_activities_meetings
> for further information about the meeting and how to participate.
> We’ll post the video recording publicly after the meeting.
> Thank you,
> Lena
> Lena Traer
> Project Assistant // Communications // Advancement
> Wikimedia Foundation

*April 27, 2017 metrics meeting -- Movement update Appendix *

Wikipedia for Peace
* A camp where Wikipedians come together for 10 days, share food and a
space to live, and edit Wikipedia on topics related to Pacifism.
* 3 years of trajectory, started in 2015 by Wikimedia Österreich, in
partnership with Service Civil International.
* Average of 15 participants in both camps; in 2016: 1.5x more languages,
6x more articles created, 2.5x more media added.
* In 2017, there was a training in March, and the next camps are expected
to take place in July in Berlin and Austria.
* More information:

* A software that provides an offline editing environment that mimics the
Wikipedia environment.
* WikiFundi allows for training and contribution when technology, access
and electricity outages fail or are not available at all.
* Launched in the second half of 2016, outreach to schools, distributing
the software, and launch of writing contest.
* Distributed via WikiPack Africa project.
* More information:
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