(Thank you for sharing widely in your communities!)

Dear Wikimedia friends,

The Annual Plan Grants FDC process needs your eyes, brains and analytic
skills again!

Since 1 October, 10 organizations have posted their proposal for review by
the FDC...and you. These consist of annual plans and budgets, with a detail
of what programs and activities those organizations are planning for the
coming 12 months.

This opens the time for community review, a month-long process in which we
need as many people as possible giving their feedback on the proposals,
asking questions or clarifications and analyzing the initiatives that our
movement affiliates and partners have developed for the year to come.

In November, the FDC will meet to make recommendations to Wikimedia
Foundation's Board of Trustees on how to allocate movement funds to these
affiliates in order to achieve the most impact. Your input and
participation will be valuable as they make these recommendations.

You can find the proposals linked from the Community review portal here:
The organizations whose proposals, plans and budgets are available for your
review include: Amical Wikimedia, Wiki Education Foundation, Wikimedia
Argentina, Wikimedia CH, Wikimedia Czech Republic, Wikimedia Israel,
Wikimedia Nederland, Wikimedia Serbia, Wikimedia UK, and Wikimedia
Deutschland, e.V. You can leave your feedback on the proposals discussion

Visit the annual plan grant portal [*] for more information about the
program, the FDC, or upcoming milestones. You can also reach the FDC
support staff at <fdcsupp...@wikimedia.org>. More information about past
APG rounds, Recommendations, and reports from organizations can be found on
the proposals page: <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:APG/Proposals>.

*More about community review:*
The APG proposal submission date is followed by a 30-day open comment
period, when anyone is invited to provide input on and ask questions about
a specific proposal on its discussion page. Applicants are also expected to
respond to input and questions during this period, although they are not
able to change the proposal form itself after the submission date.

The FDC will review the discussion pages during their deliberations in
November as one of many inputs to the decision-making process. While anyone
may comment on proposals after the open comment period closes on 31
October, the FDC may not be able to take comments made after this period
into consideration when reaching its decisions.

*How to review:*
Please visit the community review page to view the proposals being
considered and follow the instructions. While the proposals are only
available in English, your comments can be in any language.

*Why your feedback matters:*
We hope this open comment period will add to an in-depth and robust review
of each proposal, and help keep our grantmaking transparent and
collaborative. The FDC highly values feedback and insights from the
Wikimedia community in making its funding recommendations.

Thank you for the time you’ll take to review these proposals.


[*] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:APG/Proposals

Delphine Ménard
Program Officer
Wikimedia Foundation
User:Delphine_(WMF) <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Delphine_(WMF)>
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