2009/1/12 Brianna Laugher <brianna.laug...@gmail.com>:

> There's a nice piece by Max Barry (author of "Jennifer Government") in
> the Age, as well as on his blog, about how production companies using
> copy protection is "breaking their own DVDs" and converting paying
> customers into pirates.
> <http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/collateral-damage-in--video-war-20090110-7e0x.html?page=-1>
> <http://www.maxbarry.com/2008/12/29/news.html>

No shit. Tonight I watched a DVD by means other than playing it in VLC
and was appalled how much crap I had to sit through first. You try
that when you're only playing the video to placate a toddler.

- d.

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