What you did get quoted as saying was good (as PrivateMusings said), and it
is a shame that what you just described was cut ou - especially the bit
about critical evaluation. It really is unfortunate that they can make a
news item about one parent who happens to stumble upon vandalism in an
article about a children's book. They did note that they vandalism was
removed quickly, but quite a long way down the page. I think if we get this
kind of thing in the future then we should emphasise the fact of "the speed
at which 'bad things' are removed demonstrates the system working and shows
that we are trying hard to improve."


Sent from Sydney, Nsw, Australia

On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Brianna Laugher

> 2009/5/24 private musings <thepmacco...@gmail.com>:
> > see
> >
> http://www.smh.com.au/news/home/technology/parents-warned-of-wikiporn-risk/2009/05/23/1242498976065.html
> >
> > Unfortunately it's not a good news one, dealing with 'Wikiporn risk' -
> but I
> > think a 'well done' to brianna for sounding wise and sensible in a
> difficult
> > situation is due :-)
> Thanks, although this is just a completely bog-standard vandalism
> story (with a local angle, and some unrelated internet filtering news
> tacked on the end). I was actually told that parents/students had been
> told by the school/teachers to use Wikipedia - which I was naturally
> surprised to hear - although this story says the opposite.
> And for the record I said I could *not* speak on behalf of
> "Wikipedia", and I'm sure I would have said that readers needed to be
> able to critically evaluate what they are reading, not just be
> informed about the pitfalls. But I'll chalk those bits up to the power
> of the soundbite. :)
> Brianna
> --
> They've just been waiting in a mountain for the right moment:
> http://modernthings.org/
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