On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 11:58 PM, David Gerard<dger...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are any of the GLAMs actually archiving their precioussssss
> high-resolution scans *offsite*?

Many libraries are sending high res scans to Internet Archive (IA).
Most notably, the libraries participating in [[Million Book Project]]
are doing this, however IA has bulk upload facilities, and
institutions with lower volume scanning projects are using that

Australia is a long way behind here in "letting go".  NLA has uploaded 11 books:


To be very blunt, there is more Australian works being digitised
overseas and archived on IA than our libraries are even scanning, let
alone also exposing to the world.

There are 2,068 _books_ which include the word Australia somewhere in
the basic metadata.


Search for the word Australia in the _text_ of the book reveals that
google has 202,000 matches (not all books).


John Vandenberg

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