On 2009-Dec-16 15:45:51 +1100, private musings <thepmacco...@gmail.com> wrote:
>No doubt press commentary is worth a look ( see

When I voted, the associated poll was >>90% against.  The timing of
the legislation (just before the next election) suggests that if
the Gov't gets re-elected, it will claim to have a mandate for it.

Also http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/12/15/2772467.htm

>Dealing, as this proposal does, with solely 'RC' content

Except that there will almost certainly be collateral fallout and,
AFAIK, the blacklist will remain secret (which differs from film and
book censorship).

> I also suspect that I have less faith
>in both the technical structure of the proposed filtering, and the
>faesability of appropriate list maintainance than Senator Conroy

Well, as I heard one commentator point out, China manages it so there's
no reason Australia can't.  I don't think many people other than
Senators Conroy and Fielding believe it's practical (other than via
the Chinese approach).

> - so I'm
>rather of the opinion that it probably won't work very well, and probably
>won't deliver on the intention which ('assuming good faith' !) is to try and
>stop Australian's accessing material we'd likely all agree they shouldn't

It's tongue-in-cheek but here's an initial offering:

>Interestingly, I think it's possible that WMF projects do host 'Category 2
>restricted' material (explicitly depict sexual or sexually related activity
>between consenting adults in a way that is likely to cause offence to a
>reasonable adult) but I don't really have any idea of the ramifications for
>that - certainly it wouldn't seem relavent to the Conroy proposal at this

I would go further and suggest that it's virtually certain that the
Internet Censor would find something to object to linked from

I agree that WMA needs to ensure that it differentiates itself from

Some links that may be useful for anyone looking for further reading:

Peter Jeremy

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