I should note I have been misquoted here - my exact wording, as can be seen
on the wiki, was "has to be *resolved* by the committee". Determine means
make up. Resolve means to form a resolution or to decide. A decision
requires inputs - as we discovered in our first meeting over the weekend,
the more complete the information / picture the committee has, the better
the decision it can make. Public debate can and should take place on public
issues - indeed, it proceeded quite well last week in this location - and
can bring out points of view, links, documents, or outside information etc
that is useful to everybody. That all then serves as input to internal

The purpose of my post at that time was to combat a perception I was getting
from some places that either consensus on the wiki or mailing list was a
suitable way to determine a chapter position. As several people have pointed
out, we're a non profit organisation dealing with outside entities and we're
expected to be responsible and to communicate clearly with one voice. That
one voice is the resolution mechanism.

That being said, a chapter position if one is developed doesn't bind any
member to the position that results - Adam got it about right in his closing
paragraph above. The key thing is that people don't say "Wikimedia Australia
says blah" when Wikimedia Australia has not passed a resolution and put it
on officialwiki to that effect. I cited the precedent of Phorm optout for
that. That is a Wikimedia Australia position - it's official, anyone can see
that, there is no debate on what WMAU's position is, even though members may
hold their own view and are perfectly free as individuals to advocate for


2009/12/21 Nathan Carter <cartma...@gmail.com>

> On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 4:25 PM, private musings <thepmacco...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I also recently asked on the WMAU wiki about how an
> > 'official chapter position' might be formed (on the ISP filtering stuff),
> > and andrew responded that the official chapter position would be
> determined
> > by the committee
> I don't agree that the official position should be determined solely
> by the committee, it needs to be done in consultation with members and
> endorsed by the committee. When we made a submission for the
> Australian Digital Future Directions inquiry we asked the members of
> the organisation for their input and views. It is important for this
> consultation to be done on issues such as this.
> Regards,
> Nathan.
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