Just any issues the committee may discuss which might require fuller
discussion rather than the kind of discussion you get from emails and irc.
Our minutes are transparent and open as to the matters we discuss and which
items we feel need further investigation and consideration and discussion,
so I'm not going to go through and highlight specific things because that
wasn't the point of my previous emails and I didn't actually write them with
specific matters in mind. Rather, I was just trying to explain to Michelle
(and anyone else who might have been wondering the same things she was) what
I see as the benefit and purpose of an in-person meeting.There's always
issues on any committee which come up and need to be discussed to a deeper
and more thorough level which you just can't get from text-based
communication, so it's not anything particularly interesting or revealing
like you (PM) seem to be thinking.

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 9:54 PM, private musings <thepmacco...@gmail.com>wrote:

> would you be up for posting the agenda ahead of time on the wiki - maybe
> it'd be interesting to get comments on some of the issues? I'm genuinely
> curious (with a smile!) as to what they may be :-)
> ps. (for brianna really, I guess) - I don't know if there's anything you
> can do about it, but I thought you might like to know that the ideas site
> thing sends you an email when you register which ends up in gmail's 'spam'
> section with a big red bar warning saying 'be careful'...
> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 9:46 PM, Sarah Ewart <sarahew...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Plus, the make up of the current committee is very similar to last year's
>> committee. Brian, Brianna, Liam and myself were on last year's committee and
>> Andrew was an observer. The only truly new member is Steve. Brian, Brianna
>> and Liam attended the face to face meetup last year and I attended one day
>> of it, and all six of us, including Steve, attended Glam; plus various other
>> meetups and meetings etc that various members of the committee have
>> attended. So, really the "get to know each other" value I think is
>> realistically pretty limited and I wouldn't consider it good value for my
>> time and money. However, I do think it is a very valuable opportunity for
>> the committee to get together and properly discuss a number of issues that
>> are difficult to discuss properly in text communication when we're all
>> scattered around the country.
>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Sarah Ewart <sarahew...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Michelle, from my own point of view, I really don't see it as a "get to
>>> know each other" thing and if that is what I considered the meeting to be, I
>>> wouldn't bother giving up a whole weekend and traveling to Melbourne, and I
>>> really doubt I'm the only one who would feel that way. There's a number of
>>> issues that have come up in recent months that have been difficult to
>>> resolve via email and IRC meetings and discussions and they really require
>>> us to sit down and have a really good discussion. Also, I think it's
>>> important for the committee to get together in person at times and talk
>>> through different issues we're facing, difficult things we're trying to
>>> achieve, etc and make sure we're all on the same page. As we all know, text
>>> based communication can be very difficult and it can be very easy to
>>> misunderstand each others and issues, too. So that's just my own perspective
>>> of the face to face meeting.
>>> There are currently two sets of committee meeting minutes in the process
>>> of being approved and published and both should be upon the wiki at the end
>>> of this week and they might help answer your final question. :)
>>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Michelle Gallaway 
>>> <mgalla...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> I don't want to shit on what is otherwise a great idea, but wasn't the
>>>> AGM in November?  Does it really take two months to "get to know one
>>>> another"?  What has (or has not) been going on in that time?
>>>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:34 PM, Brianna Laugher <
>>>> brianna.laug...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello members and friends,
>>>>> At the end of January, the committee is having a face to face meeting
>>>>> in Melbourne to get to know one another, strategise and make plans for
>>>>> 2010.
>>>>> Before that meeting, it will be useful to have some explicit
>>>>> brainstorming as a way for the committee to collect some idea of what
>>>>> we collectively consider important, or would like to see.
>>>>> Last year we did a brief survey, which wasn't a huge success; this
>>>>> year I would like to try something different. I set up a site for us
>>>>> at http://wmau.ideascale.com/
>>>>> This site lets anyone suggest an idea, and others can put a number of
>>>>> votes to support various ideas. I have it configured so that anyone
>>>>> who registers with IdeaScale can add a new idea or vote on ideas. With
>>>>> voting, every user has a fixed number of votes (50 I think), and you
>>>>> can put multiple votes on an idea if you really like it. If you don't
>>>>> like an idea, just don't give it any votes. :) You can also of course
>>>>> add comments, and that is probably the most valuable thing you can do.
>>>>> I would guess this is most useful for 1) things that take longer than
>>>>> a week to plan and 2) things that involve or have some impact on the
>>>>> membership and/or general public. So this will not encompass all of
>>>>> the committee's responsibilities; some tech and policy and governance
>>>>> things won't be relevant to mention here.
>>>>> Secondly for Melburnians, we are planning to arrange a meetup for one
>>>>> of the meals on the weekend, probably in Richmond or the CBD. The
>>>>> details will appear soon at
>>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/Melbourne_15 .
>>>>> Please feel free to give your feedback on this list or privately.
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> Brianna
>>>>> WMAU president
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