sounds great :-)
I'd really like to encourage anyone currently involved in discussions, or
with a bit of spare energy to start on the materials work, to head over to
the official wiki and drop a note in / sign up - it'll be handy to have a
central resource :-) - the foundation's outreach wiki which is also linked
to from the below is another very good resource for anyone up for engaging
in this area;

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Andrew <> wrote:

> The committee at its strategy meeting on the weekend discussed what we can
> do for education and a number of ideas are being canvassed. Adam's lesson
> plan idea (from IdeaScale) was one of them; there's also discussions with
> external bodies (both teachers associations and government departments)
> either active or near-future planned.
> I'm deliberately keeping it brief as I am not speaking for the committee,
> only as an individual member of it.
> cheers
> Andrew
> On 2 February 2010 08:29, private musings <> wrote:
>> G'day all,
>> If you're interested in working with schools, or helping WMAU bring
>> material together - or if you're active in this area already, and could
>> share what you're up to, why not head to the 'offical wiki' and sign up /
>> share / get involved :-)
>> I've had a couple of opportunities raise there heads what with everyone
>> heading back to school this week, but there's no doubt quite a bit of
>> groundwork to do to make sure we're all pulling together - if you have and
>> time and interest, lets create a project on the wiki!
>> best,
>> Peter,
>> PM.
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