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From: LA Jobs List <j...@lists.linux.org.au>
Date: Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 9:53 PM
Subject: [LA-Jobs] National Archives of Australia - Contract Development work
To: j...@lists.linux.org.au

A new job has been posted on the Linux Australia website.

The National Archives of Australia has a digital repository that preserves
government records that are generated in digital form. The preservation
process requires a pre-emptive obsolescence strategy of converting files in
closed formats, like the Microsoft Word document format, into open formats
based on patent-free open standards, like Open Document Format (ODF). This is
what occurs using our current in-house developed Xena software platform (
http://xena.sf.net ).

The Archives requires an automated quality assurance mechanism that compares
an input Microsoft Word document to the same document converted to ODF. The
aim is to produce a set of numerical results that quantify how successful (or
otherwise) the process of converting a document from Microsoft Word format to
ODF is, based on the attributes of the document. The Product will be
integrated into the Xena product through the Interfaces described in this

We are after Java, Python or potentially other open source developers to
contribute work for intergration into the GPLv3 licenced Xena product.
Experience in Open Document Format and automating tasks would be highly

Work will start soon after the close date of 15th March 2011 (11:01am EDST)
and will be required to be delivered before 21 June.

This is contract work and the payments will be outlined in your submission.

The work can be performed anywhere as the National Archives will not be
providing a development environment.

Full details on scope of work and how to apply available at URL:

Any questions contact "Chris Smart <chris.sm...@naa.gov.au>"


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