Anyone interested in going to this (Sydney, Tuesday 10-12:30)?
This was sent to me (and presumably everyone else on their database) by the
Australian Digital Alliance - who are worried about the government making
kneejerk amendments to copyright law that will hider internet innovation,
as a result of this:
I'll be going along, but just in case anyone else wishes to attend. Please
reply to them directly if you want to go (and tell me so we can meet up) :-)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Ellen Broad*
Date: Friday, 17 February 2012
Subject: Stakeholder meeting to coordinate response re proposed football
codes' amendment to Copyright Act

 Dear Liam,****

Two weeks ago, the Federal Court ruled that time shifting provisions in the
Copyright Act covered consumers using a cloud based personal video
recording service. The service in question before the Federal Court was
Optus’ TV Now Service, which allows Optus customers to use all kinds of
devices (tablets, smartphones, notebooks and computers) to record broadcast
television “in the cloud” and play it back within a particular time frame.**


By now, you have probably seen the recent media reports that the government
is considering urgent amendments to the Copyright Act to respond to
sporting bodies' concerns about the Federal Court’s decision.

The Australian Digital Alliance and many other stakeholders have serious
concerns that any hasty government action in response to the decision could
have significant negative implications for *innovative services, cloud
computing* and perhaps most importantly, *consumer rights *to use copyright
exceptions to the full extent intended by Parliament. ****

** **

 Any watering down of the Federal Court's decision will likely
significantly restrict the ability of consumers to use innovative
technologies to consume legal content in the time and manner of their
choosing.   Without great care, any amendments could also have serious
consequences for education, library and cultural institutions whose
students and users exercise rights under the Copyright Act such as fair

We understand that a proposed amendment to the Copyright Act to alleviate
the concerns of the football codes is imminent.****

** **

 The ADA would like to invite you to a meeting to share information and
concerns about any amendments to overturn the Court's decision, and to
coordinate a strategic response to government to express the widest
possible range of user concerns about any hasty legislative change.

Given the urgency of the need to coordinate a response to government, the
meeting will be held this *Tuesday 21 February* from 10am – 12:30pm in
Sydney. The venue will be confirmed later today.

I’d appreciate it if you could let me know if you’re able to attend as soon
as possible. I apologise for the short notice, but understand that it may
be critical to raise stakeholder concerns with government as a matter of

Kind regards,****

** **

Ellen Broad

*Ellen Broad** *|* Executive Officer *Australian Digital Alliance |**

Copyright Adviser | Law and Policy
Australian Libraries Copyright Committee

*t* (02) 6262 1273   |   *e *   |   *w*  |
*a* PO Box E202 Kingston ACT 2604****

** **

** **

*About the Australian Digital Alliance (ADA)*

The ADA is a non-profit coalition of public and private sector interests
formed to promote balanced copyright law and provide an effective voice for
a public interest perspective in the copyright debate. ADA members include
universities, schools, consumer groups, galleries, museums, IT companies,
scientific and other research organisations, libraries and individuals. ****

Whilst the breadth of ADA membership spans various sectors, all members are
united in their support of copyright law that balances the interests of
rights holders with the interests of users of copyright material.****

** **
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