Hi all again,
Following up on this email from the other day - thank you everyone who
helped out by editing the article "Tambo, Queensland". The attendees of the
training session were really stunned by the speed of changes to their
town's article. Check out the difference!
got a whole bunch of pics to come to add to Commons too).

Today, both Whiteghost.ink and I (plus our two colleagues from the State
Library of Queensland) are in the even more remote town of Quilpie - at
their local library (google streetview: http://g.co/maps/pdvey ). This is
two hours west of Charleville - almost got run over into by an emu on the
drive out here yesterday arvo too! I should also add that we're doing our
bit to counter the gender-gap: every single person in *both* training
sessions so far have been women.

As with Tambo, today we're focusing on the article about the town itself to
describe how WP & Commons works:
 (we're also looking at the "other varieties" section of the article about
Opal because "boulder opal" is the town's major industry and there's
currently no description specifically about that type

We'd like to ask your assistance again: Could everyone who has the time
give a once-over of the article about Quilpie? We'd love to surprise the
group by showing them how the article has developed over the course of the
day. We've got it up on screen right now - so... go! :-)

Liam / Wittylama

Peace, love & metadata

On 13 March 2012 13:01, Liam Wyatt <liamwy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> user:whiteghost.ink and I are currently in Tambo - a very small town
> in Central QLD - giving some Wikip/media training to the local
> heritage group, librarians, and other interested folks from the
> district. This is part of Wikimedia Australia and the State Library of
> Queensland's partnership to bring Wikipedia to regional Australia.
> We've been talking a lot this morning and explaining policies etc. and
> we're going to spend the arvo working on the article about the town
> itself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tambo,_Queensland
> (We'll also be uploading a bunch of photos of the town and district
> later today).
> We'd really appreciate it some people could go into the article and
> give it a good workover in the next couple of hours - so we can
> demonstrate how responsive the community is :-) It's a stub article
> now, and we've just added a bit of a structure to it, so it's a bit
> lacking in online reliable sources, but I'm sure someone can come up
> with some funky templates etc. :-)
> In a couple of days we'll be in the equally remote town of Quilpie -
> so we'll give you a buzz then (don't go editing it now!)
> Oh - and 10 points to user:mattinbgn for being so quick off the mark
> to welcome the user account that we've been working with on the big
> screen!
> Cheers,
> Wittylama and Whiteghost.ink
> --
> wittylama.com/blog
> Peace, love & metadata
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