Hi Thehelpfulone,

You can request an account for the chapter wiki here:


Your application will be assessed by one of the three account approvers
(Angela, Andrew, or Mark) and hopefully approved.  They're usually fairly
quick off the mark in dealing with applications, so you won't have to wait
long.  Obviously, feedback from non-members on member proposals is very
welcome as well.

For a bit of background on why this is the way that it is, see:


Craig Franklin

On 9 December 2012 12:29, Thehelpfulone <thehelpfulonew...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Craig,
> I'd be more than happy to comment on these proposals but presuming that
> comments would be best on-wiki, I'd need an account! Please can you create
> one for me (you can use this email address and username Thehelpfulone)?
> I'm also interested in the reasoning behind the restricting account
> creation on that wiki, I imagine that the intention is not to stifle
> discussion from non-members and indeed edits by IPs can also be useful. If
> its a problem with spamming, there are some anti-spam measures that can be
> utilised on MediaWiki.
> Thehelpfulone
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Thehelpfulone
> On 9 Dec 2012, at 02:16, Craig Franklin <cfrank...@halonetwork.net> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just a quick note that there are a couple of proposals on the WMAU wiki
> that are currently in the "public comment and review" phase.  Extra eyes
> are always welcomed on proposals, whether they're from members of the
> chapter or not.
> 1.  http://www.wikimedia.org.au/wiki/Proposal:Paralympic_Winter_Sports -
> This is a proposal to fund part of a trip to the United States for a group
> of Australian volunteers to document winter sports.  Note that obviously
> there's been a bit of 'history' around this grant, it would be warmly
> appreciated if feedback could be limited to the merits of the proposal
> itself, and further commentary around the circumstances surrounding it
> could be kept to a minimum.
> 2.  http://www.wikimedia.org.au/wiki/Proposal:WLM_2013 - This is a
> proposal for the chapter to get engaged and take part in the Wiki Loves
> Monuments programme in 2013.  Consensus seems to be fairly firm that we
> ought to do it, but there is a fair bit of interesting discussion around
> what the best approach might be.
> There are also a couple of "proposed proposals" that could benefit from
> some further exposure:
> 1.
> http://www.wikimedia.org.au/wiki/User:John_Vandenberg/Suspending_the_private_mailing_list
>  -
> Proposal to suspend the chapter's private members mailing list.  An
> alternate approach being discussed on the talk page is to put in place a
> code of conduct that all subscribers would be expected to adhere to.
> 2.  http://www.wikimedia.org.au/wiki/User:Tony1/Proposed_membership_table -
> A proposed (optional) public list of chapter members and other Australian
> volunteers to keep a track of the geographic spread of members, and to make
> it easier to find Australian volunteers to collaborate with.
> 3.
> http://www.wikimedia.org.au/wiki/User:Leighblackall/Bendigo_Victoria_2013 -
> Proposal for an editing workshop, focusing on the field of Health Sciences,
> to take place in Bendigo in 2013.
> Cheers,
> Craig Franklin
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