I am really happy that we are talking about using the skills available to
us in the best way; that we are co-operating with one another; and that we
are acknowledging people's good will and commitment. We need a lot of
different skills and everyone is busy but it seems that now, not only are
we doing the above things, we also have more talented people helping across
our big country than before. Thanks Craig, John, Graham, Kerry, Steve,
Charles and Ross.


On 18 March 2013 22:49, Craig Franklin <cfrank...@halonetwork.net> wrote:

> Hi All,
> As some of you may be aware, Wikimedia Australia has been planning a
> reshuffle of committee positions, based on ‘real world’ commitments of some
> committee members that made them unable to continue to commit to the heavy
> workload that being on the committee entails.  I’m happy to report that
> after a consultation period with our members, the committee at our meeting
> yesterday approved the changes.  The new committee is as follows:
> President: Craig Franklin
> Secretary: Graham Pearce
> Treasurer: John Vandenberg
> Members: Kerry Raymond, Steve Zhang
> Observers: Charles Gregory, Ross Mallett
> Charles Gregory remains an observer on the committee, and will continue to
> be responsible for the chapter’s social media, as well as being Wikimedia
> Australia’s representative to the Wikimedia Chapters’ Association.  Ross
> Mallett will also join us as an observer on the committee, in addition to
> taking on the responsibility of being our Assistant Treasurer.  It is my
> experience that when you get the basic things running like clockwork,
> success soon follows, and I’m confident that someone with Ross’s skills and
> experience around to help will see us running as smoothly as possible.
> The position of Vice President is currently and deliberately left vacant.
> Over the coming weeks we will be assessing what additional skills and
> expertise are required in the committee, and searching for someone who can
> bring that to the organisation.  Stay tuned for more information on that!
> I’d like to thank my fellow members of the committee for their support
> during this process, for the work that they’ve already done, and for the
> great things that they’ll no doubt do for the chapter and the movement in
> the coming months.  I’d like to specially single Charles out for praise as
> well, as he has been a longstanding member of the committee and helped us
> out of a tight spot last year by taking over as Secretary and doing a great
> job of organising our AGM and elections.
> Regards,
> Craig Franklin
> President – Wikimedia Australia
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