Hi All,
Some of you may have already received this email, but for those that havn't

The team behind "Trove", the single search system for Australian library
content (which notably includes the digitised newspapers collection that
many of use use for WP footnotes) has just initiated a major user-survey.
It would be really really useful if we could make sure that the needs of
Wikimedians are represented in the data that comes up in the analysis!
As you may know, Trove has recently hired a Director - Tim Sherratt (who
many of you may know as @Wragge) - who is heavily engaged in Digital
Humanities, openAPIs and many other things along those lines. His
formidable job will be to take the results of this survey as the the "to do
list" for the forthcoming year. While there's been a steady increase in the
content available (new newspapers are added all the time) there is an
increasing list of bugs and features that are awaiting prioritisation. This
survey will help sort out what different kinds of usergroups there are and
what those groups most need. So, please go here and respond!


[Full disclosure, Trove includes content from a variety of institutions
across the country but it is physically based at the National Library -
where I now am employed as the social media coordinator.]

Peace, love & metadata

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Raadgever <mraad...@nla.gov.au>
Date: 16 May 2013 10:22
Subject: [trove-announce] Trove Evaluation Survey - Your chance to help us
improve Trove!
To: trove-announce-l <trove-annou...@listserver.nla.gov.au>

Help us improve Trove and win a Coles Myer voucher or a Trove T-shirt

The National Library of Australia has commissioned a research company,
Gundabluey Research, to help us evaluate customer satisfaction with Trove.

You're invited to participate in this survey by following the link below.
Your participation will contribute to the ongoing development and
improvement of the Trove service.

The online survey will take around 15 minutes to complete depending on your
experience, and every completed survey goes into the draw for one of ten
$100 Coles Myer vouchers or one of 20 Trove T-shirts.

Whether you're a new or experienced user, an academic or a family
researcher, or just use Trove to pursue your interests, we would appreciate
your time. Your comments will remain confidential.

If you have any questions about the survey itself, or require assistance
please do not hesitate to contact the research company directly:

  *   Sarah Wrigley from Gundabluey Research on 03 9844 2678 or sarahw@

If you would like to check the bonafides of the survey, please contact
Rosemary Turner on rtur...@nla.gov.au<mailto:rtur...@nla.gov.au>

Please follow this link to start the survey:


The Trove Support team
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