Hi Everybody

We've had some more success over in Western Australia with work commencing
on our second WikiTown of Toodyay.

New editors are currently working on article creation focusing initially on
the heritage buildings on Stirling Terrace in Toodyay. Watch list
they have been taught to create the page link for new articles there,
feel free to do some if you want.

The big new is the Toodyay has two Museums one in the Old Newcastle
Gaol<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Gaol_Museum>and the other in
Mill <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connor%27s_Mill> exhibits at both of
these sites are about to be QR coded making these the first museums in
Australia to full utilize QR codes linking to Wikipedia articles.

If you'd like to create a WikiTown near you please email me I'm more than
happy to help  more of these projects get off the ground.

Vice President WMAU
Wikimediaau-l mailing list

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