Yes, Agreed with what Kerry has said.
Another way of phrasing that - correct me if you disagree Kerry - is that
being social is the "currency" of social media platforms. It is the
end-goal of twitter/facebook/etc and you are more valued on those platforms
the more "social" you are. However on Wikimedia being social is a
means-to-an-end. The "currency" of Wikimedia is good quality output (either
in articles, minor-edits, photos, bots, code....) and more often than not
you are required to be social in the creation of that output. But the
crucial difference is that being social is not the end-goal. There is a
higher purpose.

Peace, love & metadata

On 5 February 2014 10:47, Kerry Raymond <> wrote:

>  While these are all Web 2.0 (or digital engagement platforms as Liam
> calls them), there are distinct differences. There is a pretty clear goal
> to WP and other WMF projects (open knowledge) that we work towards. But
> Facebook, Twitter etc don't really have an overall goal as such (well,
> apart from make money for their owners through advertising or whatever) but
> none from a user perspective. They are more platforms that are
> predominately used as pastimes, although of course some people may use that
> platform for a goal of their own (promote a cause or product or whatever).
> Personally I would describe the WP experience as much less social than
> Facebook etc. People "friend" me and "like" my comments on Facebook, but
> most of the WP talk interaction is much more critical (and sometimes
> hostile). The old management saying "phrase in public, criticise in
> private" is completely overlooked in the design of WP user talk pages. My
> experience of some WP projects is that they behave with more of a "gang
> mentality", as in "ooh, you've edited a page that's on our turf, so now
> we'll beat you up", hardly what I would call social. Of course, my Facebook
> friends are people that I choose to be my Facebook friends and they are
> predominantly people that I know in "real life", whereas I don't know most
> WP editors (even the subset that write on my user talk page) in real life
> and have no control over their ability to write on my public user talk page.
> I'd hesitate to call Wikipedia "social media".
> Kerry
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Liam Wyatt
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 5 February 2014 9:11 AM
> *To:* Wikimedia Australia Chapter
> *Subject:* Re: [Wikimediaau-l] Are the Wikimedia projects social media
> Hi Leigh,
> as the "social media coordinator" at a cultural institution now, I'm
> simultaneously trying to have Wikimedia seen to be as, if not more,
> important than other social media platforms but also wary of tying
> Wikimedia too closely to the term social media because it has a connotation
> of being simplistic only about 'likes' etc.
> Therefore, I've been trying to use the phrase 'digital engagement'
> wherever possible which has a different vibe to it - and an implied
> different motive (to engage, not merely to be social).
> Two other concepts that I've used a lot to help define Wikimedia are
> Brianna Laugher's "Community Curated Works" (as opposed to User Generated
> Content), defined here:
>  Lori Philips' "Open Authority", defined here:
> Hope that helps.
> -Liam
> Peace, love & metadata
> On 5 February 2014 08:08, Leigh Blackall <> wrote:
> As someone who coined a phrase "socially constructed media" back in 2004
> when everyone was using "Web 2" I've been more than a little agitated by
> the use of "social media" at the exclusion of the Wikimedia projects.
> Either ask the stats, commentary and infographics are based on a poorly
> defined category, or my understanding of the words social and media
> somehow missed the new speak.
> Does anyone who knows the inner workings of the Wikimedia projects have an
> argument for me? I find them to be the MOST social of all the
> user-generated sites I use. From sharing photos, video and graphics on
> Commons, constructing reports on News, negotiating courses or documenting
> research on Versity, or  writing on Books... Why does this not warrant more
> than a mention in the stats, commentary and infographics about "social
> media"?
> Please don't tell me it's a commercial interest thing!
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