
As many of you will be aware on behalf of Wikimedia Australia I have been
working with the Fremantle Society  to develop Fremantle as a WikiTown
using the QRpedia concept developed by Wikimedia UK.

Back in 2012 I was fortunate enough to gain a scholarship to Wikimania in
Washington where I saw a presentation on Monmouthpedia. This presentation
showed me how we could really work constructively beyond the internet to
share knowledge. Very soon after returning to Perth I encountered a COI
editor from a local government agency, instead of just the normal revert,
warn and move on process I decided to engage with them off Wiki.

I organised a meeting with the City of Fremantles Media and Information
staff and put forward doing a QRpedia project in Fremantle. A week later I
heard from the Fremantle Society that they had the backing of City to
create a QR project, its from these beginning Freopedia was born.

In May last year we had an official launch of the project, with the plaques
due for installation in at the same time. Unfortunately we hit a snag with
them it was three months later before we could start installing them. It
was during the launch that I was able to present the concept to the Toodyay
Historical Society, Craig Franklin travelled to Toodyay the following day
to talk with the Shires CEO, I've spent many days out there since
developing Toodyaypedia.

Today the work of many people has been recognised with Freopedia being
announced as a finalist in the Western Australian Heritage Awards.


In addition to Freopedia's recognition I am also a finalist for the
Professor David Dolan award which
*recognises new businesses, organisations or individuals who have made an
outstanding or innovative contribution to conservation, promotion and
understanding of cultural heritage in the community *

Locally this is a fantastic opportunity to engage with other organisation
and further expand the WikiTown projects. None of this would have been
possible without Monmouthpedia, Wikimedia UK, Wikimedia Australia,
Wikimania and the WMF.

My thanks to all of you, if anyone would like help in developing your own
WikiTown please feel free to contact me.

Vice President Wikimedia Australia
WMAU: http://www.wikimedia.org.au/wiki/User:Gnangarra
Photo Gallery: http://gnangarra.redbubble.com
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