Interessante. Mandando de minha conta pessoal alguns nomes de mulheres
brasileiras que me vêm à cabeça, caso seja do interesse de vcs avaliar e/ou

Alguns nomes me vêm à cabeça

*Graciela Selaimen *- por seu envolvimento com Governança da Internet e
América Latina

Full name: Graciela Baroni Selaimen
Gender: Female
Nationality: Brazilian
Country of residence: Brazil
Organisation: Instituto Nupef
Stakeholder group: Civil society
Background and/or experience in Internet Governance (50 words):

Journalist, specialized in Local Development, with a Masters in
Communications an Culture, I've participated actively in the WSIS and IGF
processes. At Instituto Nupef I work informing, raising awareness and
fostering the participation of civil society actors in ICT policies,
collaborating to the strengthening of national and regional political
processes focused on Internet Governance and ICTs and Human Rights.

*Ana Toni* - relação forte com direitos humanos e muita experiência com
grantmaking (foi representante da Fundação Ford no Brasil, mas não é mais)
 - em tempos em que uma das prioridades é grantmaking...

*Lala Deheinzelin* (perspectiva sul global e ativos em tempos de
colaboração - uma perspectiva bastante otimista em relação à economia
criativa - eu sou menos - mas bem interessante, e consultora da Unesco,
mega experiência internacional) - grande fã do movimento wikimedia

*Ivana Bentes* (relação com Academia e novas tecnologias - grande
capacidade de mobilização de redes) - Assuntos centrais e afiliação
intelectual: redes globais, capitalismo cognitivo, Antonio Negri

*Carol Rossini* - conhecida de vcs, trabalha atualmente na EFF, grande
trajetória com direitos autorais, recursos educacionais abertos etc - foi
consultora da WMF

*Fernanda Weiden *- não sei se poderia, por trabalhar hoje na Google, acho.
Mas é administradora de sistemas e tem liderança no movimento de software

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 9:29 PM, Vinicius Siqueira <>

> Cada uno de los miembros del Board hemos sido entrevistados para tratar de
> definir prioridades y orientar la búsqueda, y si bien no conozco los
> detalles de las demás e

On 9 February 2013 21:29, Vinicius Siqueira <> wrote:

>  Galera,
> Encaminho mais uma mensagem do Patricio Lorente enviada à lista do
> Iberocoop. Dessa vez, sobre a escolha do novo membro do Board.
> Abs,
> Vinicius
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2013 19:21:42 -0300
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Iberocoop] WMF busca un miembro para el Board
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Patricio Lorente* <>
> Date: Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 9:40 AM
> Subject: Fwd: Wikimedia Foundation - Board Member search
> To: Galileo Vidoni <>
> Galio, por favor, ¿podrías enviar este email a la lista interna de
> Iberocoop? Abrazo,
>                                           Patricio
> Queridos amigos:
> La Fundación se encuentra a la búsqueda de un nuevo miembro del Board en
> reemplazo de Matt Halprin, cuyo mandato venció el 31 de diciembre pasado.
> Como ustedes saben, cuatro de los diez miembros no son electos sino que son
> seleccionados por el propio Board para complementar los perfiles existentes.
> Se le ha encargado a una consultora que ya trabajó con la Fundación que
> hiciera una primer selección. No es un trabajo fácil, ya que se trata de
> una responsabilidad importante, que demanda tiempo y que es completamente
> voluntaria. Cada uno de los miembros del Board hemos sido entrevistados
> para tratar de definir prioridades y orientar la búsqueda, y si bien no
> conozco los detalles de las demás entrevistas, parece ser que todos hemos
> coincidido a la hora de considerar la diversidad como un valor en sí para
> nuestro movimiento y apuntar la búsqueda a un candidato que en lo posible
> no fuera del mundo angloparlante (aunque el conocimiento del inglés es
> imprescindible) y aún mejor si fuera del sur del mundo y mujer. Y un
> compromiso tangible con valores similares (no necesariamente idénticos) a
> los que nosotros expresamos.
> El ejemplo de Bishakha para mí es muy importante: no viene del mundo
> Wikimedia pero tiene impresionantes antecedentes de trabajo con los
> sectores más postergados de su sociedad (en particular con mujeres
> desplazadas y prostitutas), y su aporte y compromiso en estos años ha sido
> invalorable.
> Quiero invitarlos a que nos ayuden en esta búsqueda con ideas y
> sugerencias. He estado tratando de imaginar personas e instituciones del
> mundo académico y/o del no gubernamental en América Latina, me parece que
> por allí puede surgir alguna posibilidad interesante.
> Les dejo abajo un email que me envió la responsable de la consultora con
> mayor información incluída la nota de presentación (en inglés) que están
> utilizando. No es información confidencial, aunque sería importante que
> coordináramos antes de contactar una persona o institución así no nos
> superponemos.
> Un abrazo, y gracias!
>                                                      Patricio
> **
> Hi Patricio - it was so nice to meet you.  Thanks for your time and
> insight into some of the characteristics of a new board member.  As I said,
> we are focusing our outreach globally and are paying specific attention to
> the Global South.
> If you have ideas of individuals or organizations that we should
> specifically reach out to, please let me know.  I will follow up on any
> suggestions.  Additionally, I would encourage you to get the word out to
> your own networks in the hope that either someone will personally be
> interested, they will suggest someone else, or forward the email on to a
> wide community.
> The following is the email that we are sending to people announcing the
> Board position.  It would be great if you could write or translate an
> opening statement/paragraph, or paraphrase the content to highlight some of
> the more important elements, asking people for suggestions, nominations, or
> to forward on to their networks.  I defer to your judgment.
> *m/Oppenheim Associates is assisting the Wikimedia Foundation in San
> Francisco, California in the search for a new Board Member, and we are
> reaching out to the community for suggestions and nominations.*
> *The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit charitable organization
> dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free,
> multilingual content; and to providing the full content of these wiki-based
> projects to the public free of charge. The Foundation operates some of the
> largest collaboratively edited reference projects in the world, including
> Wikipedia, a top-ten internet property. Wikipedia contains more than 22
> million volunteer-authored articles in over 280 languages and is visited by
> more than 450 million people monthly.*
> *The Wikimedia Foundation provides the technical, operating and
> managerial infrastructure to sustain and grow Wikimedia’s free knowledge
> projects. The Foundation supports a global volunteer community of
> contributors, chapters and readers that contribute ideas, benefit from the
> support provided by the Foundation, and continually upgrade and evolve
> Wikimedia's free knowledge projects. The Foundation's goals include
> reaching one billion readers globally and 200,000 contributors by 2015.*
> * The Board functions as a governance body that adjudicates the complex
> policy-setting process of the Wikimedia Community, supervises the
> disposition and solicitation of donations, and hires the organization’s
> Executive Director who leads all Foundation staff. As arguably the most
> influential and respected organization in the free knowledge movement, the
> Wikimedia Foundation and its Board have a great responsibility for setting
> policy deliberately and with due consideration for the diverse interests of
> a truly global community.*
> * This search effort will be one of mutual exploration on the part of
> prospective candidates and current Trustees. The Board’s objective is to
> use this search to strengthen its knowledge of: board governance,
> grantmaking, strategy, and issues of importance to prospective new
> Wikimedia growth markets. However, there are no predefined criteria for
> selection.*
> * Two-year, renewable terms are served, and the time commitment is
> significant. The Board of Trustees meets four times a year, twice in San
> Francisco and twice in changing locations around the globe. Meetings take
> two days and travel can add another two days to each meeting. In addition,
> the Board communicates frequently by email and Internet Relay Chat (IRC) as
> it navigates policy issues. This can absorb 4-10 hours weekly. Board
> members also regularly engage with the Community through wiki pages.*
> * Other Trustees feel that they would benefit from a member who has
> experience with organizations that have grown and evolved explosively, and
> who understands how boards can evolve to provide appropriate governance
> support. Experience with international, community-driven, consensus
> organizations is also important as the Foundation would not exist without
> the community.*
> *A complete position description can be found 
> **here*<>
> * and additional information can be found at * 
> **<>
> * and *** <>*.
> Your suggestions and nominations are most welcome and feel free to
> distribute this note as you deem appropriate.
> **Please call us at any time. We are always happy to assist our friends
> and colleagues in the nonprofit community.
> *
> *Lisa Grossman
> (650) 323-3565 or *** <>*
> *
> *Mark Oppenheim
> (415) 762-2640 or * ** <>*
> *
> Thanks again, Patricio.
> Lisa
> ************************************
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> Patricio Lorente
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