
I would like to point out that enwiki's 160,976 represents worldwide users and not merely those from India, in case anyone misinterprets the data :)

Cary Bass

On 2/24/2010 11:17 AM, Jyothis Edathoot wrote:
That probably explains it. I was wondering how you could be so casual about man power to deal with such an event. If you look at our indic wikipedias, We wouldnt see many hands to do the heavy lifting. For some reason, many Indian wikipedians can work in en wiki, but wont really bother to work in their own language wikipedias :-)

Look at a few examples below:

*Active users*
*en wiki - 160,976*
hi wiki - 237
ml wiki - 186
ta wiki 185
mr wiki 105
bpy wiki - two digits
gu wiki - two digit
kn wiki -two digits
or wiki - single digit
sa wiki - 35
pali - in two digits. I cant read that.
bh wiki - single digit




woods are lovely dark and deep,
but i have promises to keep and
miles to go before i sleep and
lines to go before I press sleep

completion date = (start date + ((estimated effort x 3.1415926) / resources) + ((total coffee breaks x 0.25) / 24)) + Effort in meetings

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Srikanth Ramakrishnan <rsrikant...@gmail.com <mailto:rsrikant...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    My home wiki is enwiki, but I'm mostly busy on meta these days,
    co-ordinating English-Hindi projects.

    On 24 February 2010 17:47, Jyothis Edathoot <j...@jyothis.net
    <mailto:j...@jyothis.net>> wrote:


        Which wiki is your home wiki?


        http://www.Jyothis.net <http://www.jyothis.net/>


        woods are lovely dark and deep,
        but i have promises to keep and
        miles to go before i sleep and
        lines to go before I press sleep

        completion date = (start date + ((estimated effort x
        3.1415926) / resources) + ((total coffee breaks x 0.25) / 24))
        + Effort in meetings

        On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 2:12 AM, Srikanth Ramakrishnan
        <rsrikant...@gmail.com <mailto:rsrikant...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            So we need to keep a patrol dedicated to watching these
            guys.. But are they still doing it? I thought Google
            stopped? Besides, they're like lightenening.. You never
            know when or where they're gonna strike.. :D

            On 24 February 2010 09:02, BalaSundaraRaman
            <sundarbe...@yahoo.com <mailto:sundarbe...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

                In Tamil wiki too we're extremely concerned about
                quality. That's why even GaneshBot was constrained. On
                this issue, we're keeping an open mind and it's still
                in a pilot stage.

                sundar from mobile

                Jyothis Edathoot wrote:
                > While we welcome the efforts and contributions, all
                wikis may not be equipped with enuf active users to
                handle such a  flood. if a flood of low quality
                articles or translations come by, such projects may
                take (much) longer to recover and regain the drop of
                quality. While quantity benefits out of such a flood,
                that may end up compromising the quality of the wiki.
                It may not always in th interest of the local
                community.  Regards, Jyothis. Sent from my iPhone On
                Feb 23, 2010, at 3:03 PM, Srikanth Ramakrishnan <
                rsrikant...@gmail.com <mailto:rsrikant...@gmail.com> >
                wrote: Shiju,
                >  Can't we just go ahead normally? If these Google
                guys make mistakes, we just correct them and go on. If
                they resist, then explain or warn them?
                >  Regards,
                >  On 23 February 2010 21:08, Shiju Alex <
                <mailto:shijualexonl...@gmail.com> > wrote:
                >  There should be proper co-ordination between each
                language community and the Google. In Malayalam
                Wikipedia, we already tried collaborative translation
                of some English Wiki articles 2 years back. But that
                was a failure and we dropped that. One of the main
                issue with word-to-word translation is that the entire
                article will have the sentences constructed with
                artificial words and phrases. The reader will run away
                from that type of articles.
                >  If there is no proper agreement between wiki
                community and Google the community may resist. For the
                sake of Google translation, Wikis should not not be
                flooded with articles. Some wikis might be interested
                in using this service to increase the article count.
                But not all communities will agree to that.
                >  The problem of paid translation and word-to-word
                translation are many. Each language community might
                have different issues regarding word-to-word
                translation/paid translation. Each of them need to be
                addressed separately.
                >  So it is very important that Google agrees to the
                point mentioned in the below mail, and there should be
                proper communication between Google and respective
                language communities. Shiju
                >  On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Ravi shankar <
                <mailto:ravidreams...@yahoo.com> > wrote:
                >  Hi all, regarding the mail below: Sundar and I have
                initiated contacts with Google on coordinating their
                article contributions.
                > Google has agreed in principle for the demands
                below. We hope we can update all Indian Wikis about
                the progress in this collaboration, say in a month or
                two. Then it may be a good model for all Indian Wikis
                to follow. So, it may be a good idea for all Indian
                Wikis to wait during this period so Google need not
                have to do the same consensus evolving approach with
                many wikis.
                >  Thanks, ravi
                >  From: Ravi shankar < ravidreams...@yahoo.com
                <mailto:ravidreams...@yahoo.com> > To:
                >  Sent: Fri, December 25, 2009 11:30:27 AM Subject:
                Coordinating Google translation kit articles
                >  Hi all, Following the recent Wiki meet in
                Bangalore, Sundar (Tamil Wikipedian) brought to our
                notice that Google is contributing to various Indian
                language Wikis using Google translation kit and paid
                translators. In Tamil Wiki, we feel a strong need to
                corordinate / organize this activity andwe hope it is
                the same situation in many Indian language wikis.
                >  So, may I propose that we discuss this in this
                mailing list and send a common notification from
                Indian language wikis to Google India? To begin with I
                propose the following. Please add to the list. 1.
                Google should appoint one coordinator each for every
                Indian language wiki where they contribute articles.
                This coordinator should be available to reach by mail
                and be adequately responsive (Say, once a week at
                least). He will take feedback from the wiki community
                and pass it to the paid contributors.
                >  2. If Googe policy allows, they should know us the
                time frame and scale of this operation so we can plan
                accordingly. 3. Google should not translate existing
                articles because they are over riding previous
                >  4. Each Wiki can submit a list of needed articles
                and the translators can consider giving priority from
                them. 5. Each Wiki can draft an essential Manual of
                Style which the translators shall follow. 6. Based on
                the responses for above, we shall periodically
                re-evaluate how we can continue to cooperate with Google.
                >  After we finalise the list , some one of us who has
                links with Google India team can take this forward.
                Thanks, Ravi (Tamil Wiki)
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