Heya guys, I think somebody like hari Prasad, Anoopan, or somebody with a
high end phone, [Android/BlackBerry/iPhone/Nokia Eseries] et all, get in
touch with Mani as that segment was completely left out by me, when we had
our conversation.


On 1 November 2010 22:09, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijs...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hoi Mani,
> I am now subscribed on a gentlemen on twitter that expressed really
> interesting and imho relevant observations about telephony and web sites in
> India.
> http://ultimategerardm.blogspot.com/2010/10/about-foss-and-telephony-in-india.html
> The remarks are quite strong and are not limited to India. I would love to
> know a WMF reaction on this.
> Thanks,
>        GerardM
> On 1 November 2010 17:04, Mani Pande <mpa...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I am still looking for participants for the study on Wikipedia usage on
>> the mobile phone. I am relaxing the criteria for recruitment, and I am
>> hoping more Wikipedians will qualify for the study. If you read Wikipedia on
>> the phone  (English and Indic languages) or have edited any Wikipedia on the
>> phone in the last one year, please email me at mpa...@wikimedia.org. Only
>> readers are also welcome :) I prefer folks who read Indic languages on the
>> phone.
>> It is really important that we conduct this study to provide the right
>> kind of user experience to Wikipedia readers and editors in India on a
>> mobile. Also, we need to understand user needs, experiences and pain points
>>  to help Wikipedia grow in India. So please email me back, if you are
>> willing to participate in the study.
>> I would ideally like to conduct the interviews over Skype, and it would
>> take about an hour. I have provided some details of the study, please see
>> below.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Mani
>> *Interview Objectives*
>> Find out whether mobile phone can be used as a platform for reading,
>> editing & contributing, to the Wikipedia (English & other Indian regional
>> languages like Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Punjabi, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada,
>> Malayalam etc.)
>> Research questions:
>>    - How is mobile phone being used as a platform for contributing to
>>    Wikipedia? What kinds of contributions are users making to the Wikipedia 
>> on
>>    the mobile phone currently? Editing already existing content, contributing
>>    new content, uploading pictures etc. What are the benefits? What are the
>>    pain-points? What are the drivers?
>>    - How will the role of mobile phone as a platform for contributing
>>    content change in the next one year? What will be different about mobile
>>    devices and networks in India?
>>    - How will the role of mobile phone as a platform for contributing
>>    content change in the next five years? What will be different about mobile
>>    devices and networks in India?
>>    - How is mobile phone being used for reading Wikipedia content? What
>>    kind of content is accessed on the phone? What are the benefits? What are
>>    the pain-points? What are the drivers?
>>    - How will the role of mobile phone as a platform for reading content
>>    change in the next one year? What will be different about mobile devices 
>> and
>>    networks in India?
>>    - How will the role of mobile phone as a platform for reading content
>>    change in the next five years? What will be different about mobile devices
>>    and networks in India?
>>    - How do outside trends/shifts in society, technology. Economy,
>>    environment and politics (STEEP) affect the emergence of mobile phone for
>>    reading and editing Wikipedia?  How do they affect user behaviors?
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