The Pune chapter gave details of all its multi-facetted incentives for
W10 including Wikimedia Commons,Marathi Wikipedia. article improvement
program etc to Radhika Raj, the reporter of Hindusthan Times but she
chose to highlight Wikipedia for Schools aspect only and it appears
that the Pune guys are doing nothing else. Wikipedia for Schools is
being done by Nikhil Sheth alone not the whole Pune community so to
say, so its unfair to both - Nikhil who has to share credit and the
community which was selectively ignored. Imho there is a trend of
giving too much emphasis on "Wikipedia Warriors" and less on the work
being done which is not healthy.

I didn't want to actually mention this lest people consider it as a
case of sour grapes, but I felt we needed to view this piece of
publicity from all aspects, not just by being glad at being portrayed
in the press.

Warm regards,

Ashwin Baindur

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