Dear Wikimedians,

We have been able to secure travel funding from the organizers for
volunteers representing the Wikimedia community at OSSCamp Lucknow.
If you have some experience as a Wikimedia volunteer (and preferably
but not necessarily some Mediawiki background) and are interested in
participating at the event, please write back to me.

The event is scheduled to be on 26-27 March 2011 which is the last
weekend of this month.

Thanks for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Anirudh Bhati

00 91 9328712208
Skype: anirudhsbh

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Abhinav Upadhyay <>
Date: Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 10:09 PM
Subject: [Wikimedia-IN-Exec] Invitation for OSSCamp Lucknow

Hello to all,
                  My name is Abhinav Upadhyay, and I am a final year
engineering student from Northern India Engineering College, Lucknow.
My purpose for emailing you is to inform you about about OSSCamp

We are organizing OSSCamp on 26th and 27th of March in Lucknow.
OSSCamps ( are unconferences on opensource projects
and initiatives where people meet and discuss about various open
source tools, technologies and projects. Events like these are a great
source of active learning and sharing our experience and knowledge
with others.

People form all over India are coming to join us for OSScamp, and I
would like to invite you all for it as well. It would be our great
pleasure to learn more about Wikimedia India Chapter, how does it
work, how can we also get involved with it and make it even more

I am expecting that you people will join us in great number and share
your knowledge with us by means of some excellent sessions. I believe
that, this will be a great platform for the Wikimedia India Chapter,
as I am sure, a large number of people will be interested in joining
it after learning more about it. It would be great, if you have some
goodies to distribute amongst the participants as it will excite the
participants even more, as well as it will encourage them to attend
your session with more enthusiasm.

I hope to hear a positive reply from the Wikimedia India Chapter.
Those of you, who are willing and interested in coming, please
register on our website:

Thanks & Regards
Abhinav Upadhyay

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