Hi Wikimedians,

Executive Committee has been working on several fronts to quickly
operationalising the chapter. I am glad to share with you the highlights of
the same.

   - 1 
   - 2 Wikipedia Chapter Brochure Design
   - 3 City and Language SIG
   - 4 
   - 5 Volunteers for Website and Wiki
   - 6 AGM 
   - 7 India Wiki
   - 8 
   - 9 Changes in


   - *Individual:* We have opened Individual Membership of the chapter last
   month. I am glad to report that we have received over 30 applications as of
   last week. As already announced, Ashwin Baindur was the first to sign up
   with conventional payment(Cheque payable at par at Bangalore) and Pranav
   Curumsey was the first one to sign up using NEFT/online transfer mode. We
   have reviewed the filled in membership forms and made minor updates to the
   form. The Revised
updated on Wiki. The membership cards and receipts are under process
   the applications received as of May 31 and are expected to be sent within a

   - *Institutional:* We are ready to accept Institutional
now. I request all community members to help enroll
   Institutional members as well.

If you have more questions, please do check out the
Membership-FAQ<http://wiki.wikimedia.in/Membership-FAQ>page. You can
also contact any of the chapter EC members or on chapter's
email address: chap...@wikimedia.in
 Wikipedia Chapter Brochure Design Contest

   - We invite you to design a brochure for Wikimedia chapter in English and
   native languages and are happy to announce a contest for the same. The rules
   and regulations are as follows
      - Contest open to all Wikimedians either individuals or team of upto 3
      - Name of the contributors to the winning entry will be credited on
      the brochure
      - The design has to reflect the language diversity of India and have
      pictures or graphics representing India
      - A sample
available to provide rough guidance and also for use as interim

      - A print ready file with good quality/resolution should be made
      - The design should be easy to extend to other Indian languages, by
      substituting few pictures and textual content. A sample design
for a native
      language should also be made available.
      - The original file should be released as per CC-BY-SA 3.0 license

 City and Language SIG subcommittee

   - We are forming City and Language Special Interest Group
the chapter and invite all Wikimedians to participate in them. The
   guidelines are as follows:
      - A chair person of each SIG (City/Langauge) can only represent either
      a city or a language
      - Self nomination with recommendation by others or nominations of
      others and acceptance by such nominated individuals are allowed.
      - Chairs of such subcommittees will interface with one EC member
      charged with City/Language SIG
      - All such Chairpersons are required to apply for membership of the
      Chapter at the earliest.
      - As we just started membership drive, the process is now open for
      community. In future, the process may be restricted to members only.


   - Projects for the year

EC would like to call for active community participation in prioritising
projects for 2011-12. The initial list of projects for this
year<http://wiki.wikimedia.in/Projects:2011-12>is available and
organised into three categories namely Outreach, Quality
improvement and improve access to wiki projects. Please feel free to add to
this and share your ideas. Please check the details and indicate your
interest in participating in them on the respective pages.

   - Wiki outreach

Chapter would like to extend all the help for any Wiki outreach events
happening across India through the participation of EC members, members and
community volunteers. Please do share with us news of any such events 2 to 3
weeks in advance.
 Volunteers for Website and Wiki Administration

Chapter has restructured its digital resources to provide members only wiki
and also streamline access management. As part of this all users on
wikimedia.in community wiki need email confirmation for editing. Those from
community who become members, can be given seamless access to members wiki,
without need for a separate login.

Chapter also proposes to run a website to serve static information, support
blogs and also provide better support for html/javascript requirements.

Chapter is seeking volunteers to help design/administer wiki and website.
People interested in these positions can send their profile giving details
of their past experience to chap...@wikimedia.in, with subject line
"Application for volunteer position for Wiki/website design/administration"
by 21 June 2011.
 AGM Plans

   - AGM is scheduled for 17 Sep 2011 and will happen in Bangalore.

 India Wiki Conference

   - EC has deliberated and come up with a framework for running India Wiki
   Conference <http://wiki.wikimedia.in/India_Wiki_Conference_Framework>with
engagement of all stakeholders on a sustainable basis. We invite you
   review the same and submit proposals for this year's conference in two weeks
   (before 21 June 2010). Chapter will evaluate the proposals and decide on the
   City by 30 June 2011) Additional details on Chapter support and engagement
   with Organising Committee are being worked out.


   - Chapter is working on priority actions like appointing consultant to
   process FEMA approvals to receive funds in foreign currency from Wikimedia
   Foundation, printing of brochures and providing support for Wikimedia
   events. As receipt of funds from Foundation for local spending could take
   4-5 months, we require financial help in the form of donations from
   community, members and philanthropists to increase activity levels of the
   Chapter. Please donate whatever amount you can. The donation
available. If the donation is through NEFT/Online transfer, you can
   the scanned image of your donation form to chap...@wikimedia.in. A
   receipt will be sent to you once the donation is processed. For more
   information, please check

 Changes in EC

BalaSundaraRaman Lakshmanan submitted his resignation from EC citing
personal reasons. EC deliberated and decided to accept the same. EC thanks
him for his contribution towards registration and operationalisation of the
chapter till date and would like him to continue the support to Wikimedia
movement in future.

Thanks for your attention and looking forward to your active engagement with
Chapter. Please do share your feedback on Wiki or through email to

Yours sincerely
Arjuna Rao Chavala
President, Bangalore
7 June 2011
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